Typed and spelled as written:
Kay Cunningham
Note: Date unknown (Believe it to be November / December 1903)

Marlin, Texas

John Houghton, Jr., of Austin is in the city.


Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Bradford of Troupe and Mrs. S. L. Bradford of Mineola
are here to attend the wedding to-night.


Mr. F. S. Heffner and family of Taylor have arrived. Mr. Heffner is the new agent of the I & G N at Marlin.


H. Clay Searcy of Rosebud is among the county court jurors for this week. Mr. Searcy reports business fairly good at Rosebud with the cotton receipts crowding the 10,000 mark.


Permits to wed Tuesday: R. M. Byrd, Fannie Rogers; Otto Steig, Ada Keluiske.


D. O. Etter of pine Bluff and Wm. Lee of Waco were visiting friends here this week.


In order to prove that I can do all that I claim viz: [Positively cure 49 out of 50 cases of all catarrhal troubles] will until Jan. 1, 1904, treat any case for the ow price of $25.00, weekly payments $5.00 until said amount is paid. The patient to continue treatment until cured. The above includes deafness and running ears. Proportionately low prices for treating all diseases of the eye and testing eyes for glasses. Examination free. Dr. A. P. Boston
203d 38w


T. H. Garrett sold 77 bales of cotton to S. Samules & Co., of Marlin, delivering same on depot platform here. He received 11 1/2 cents per pound, the entire lot bringing him nearly $5000.
Kosse Cyclone.


But little has been done in the County Court this week. On the criminal docket Lula Bowders was acquitted on a charge of petty theft. The Strother - Kier sey yearling case was continued. Melton vs Scovil set down for Thursday.


C. T. Curry had on exhibit at the mule and horse sale two pens of fine Poland Chinas hogs. They are exceptionally fine ones and attracted a great deal of attention.


Ed Burkhead of Palestine is visiting his brother F. M. in Marlin.


Mrs. H. P. Holland and daughter of Fort Worth are visiting friends in the city.


At the Arlington: C. C. Irvin, Waco; R. M. Dyer, San Antonio; Andrew J. Bush, W. E. Bradford, Taylor; J. M. O'Rourke, Galveston; M. L. Smith, Rockdale; J. H. Atkinson, Temple; Robt Boggs, Corsicanna; J. B. Gibbs, Kosse; L. Hirsch, Dallas; J. J. James, Jackson; W. F. Gallbairth, Ennis; Searcy Williams, Chicago; John Houghton, Austin; R. T. Bradford, Mineola; Thad A. Thompson, Eloise; F. S. Heffner and daughter, Taylor; Chas N. Knowlton, Denison.


NOTE: The Arlington was a Hotel in Marlin, Falls Co., Texas
