The Marlin Democrat
Fifteenth Year   Number 8
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, June 2, 1904


     The Wednesday social club met with Mr&. Frank Rimes yesterday evening.  In every way the time was spent most delightfully.
     The president called the meeting to order and most of the members of the club responded to roll call.
     The secretary reported that $5 more had been collected on the promised dollar. The treasurer reported the club out of debt and some money on hand.
     The matter of the Tom Thumb wedding was discussed with much interest and a committee appointed to arrange detail for such an occasion and to report at the next meeting of the club.
     The club extended a vote of thanks to Mr. Donohoo for his generosity in donating ice for drinking water at the park a member stated that there were no cups at the drinking place at the park. On motion of the club decided to once more buy cups for this purpose and all parties are asked to please not carry them away.
     The curfew law was mentioned and a lively interest was taken in discussing the merits of such a law and especially the peculiar needs of a provision of this character in Marlin. There was not a dissenting voice from the general idea that we should have it enacted at the earliest day possible.  The club promises the W. T.  C. U. it's most hearty support in endeavoring to get our worthy city council to pass a curfew law.
     Four games of progressive finch were played with no little interest and pleasure. Mrs. Rimes with the assistance of her sister Miss Lee served dainty refreshments consisting of punch, orange sherbert and cake.
     Visitors - Mrs. Don LaPrelle, Temple, Mrs. D. S. Eddins and Mrs. Harry Conoly.
     After thanking Mrs. Rimes for a pleasant afternoon we adjourned to meet next with Mrs. W. A. Patrick.



Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.