The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, March 10, 1904

(Real Estate)

     Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a certain order of sale dated March 2nd 1904 issued out of the District court of Falls county, Texas, a certain judgment in favor of Sallie A. Pennypacker against; N. D. Wheeler, S. A. Wheeler, The First National Bank of Waco and A. H. Ashby, establishing a lien in her favor for the sum or $2868.80 with interest and costs, I did on the 5th day of March 1904 levy upon 1823.5 acres of land situated in FaIls county, Texas a part of the T. J. Chambers front five leagues patent No. 165, Vol 30, Abstract No. 12, in the central part of said county, said land being known as part of the Nolphus Wheeler farm; and that I will sell said land at public venue at the court house door in the city of Marlin in Falls county, Texas on the 5th day of April 1904, being the first Tuesday in said month, between the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon and four o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of satisfying said writ -

Sheriff of Falls county, Texas.
Bs W. P. Dashiell, Deputy      2-3t

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.