The Marlin Democrat
Fifteenth Year   Number 17
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, June 23, 1904


     The Camp assembled in regular monthly meeting June 18th, 1904. Present: King, Cockrell, Frazier, Boyles, Hutchings, Morris, Howard and Caraker. Comrade Judge Gerald of Waco was with us.
     Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Dismissal of J. M. Jolly reported and approved.
     The following paper was presented and adopted:
     Comrade John M. Jolly having asked for and received a dismissal from Willis L. Lang Camp to join Dick Dowling Camp at Houston, Texas, we desire to place on record our appreciation of his efficiency as adjutant of our camp, of his unflagging zeal and assiduous work in behalf of our camp; of his brotherly, kind disposition toward comrades these things have warmed our heart to him, and we lose him with regret; therefore be it
     Resolved, that we extend to him our best wishes end a God speed in his new home, and we commend him to Dick Dowling Camp as worthy the comradeship of the truest of Confederate Veterans.
     Be it further resolved that a copy of this paper be placed in the minutes of this days meeting and a copy be sent to Dick Dowling Camp, Houston, Texas.
     A letter and circular from the Texas Division of the Daughters of the Confederacy in regard to the making of the 3rd day of June of each year, Jefferson Davis' birthday, a legal holiday in the state of Texas, was before the camp, and a committee was appointed to communicate with the various candidates to the next legislature and ascertain if they will support this measure. Frazier and Cockrell were appointed on said committee and the adjutant was instructed to answer the letter.
     Contribution from the camp's funds of $1.15 to a needy comrade by the commander and adjutant was approved.
     Adjourned to meet on the 3rd Saturday in July, our next regular meeting day.


No. 5606.


Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.