Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Thirteenth Year - Number 28
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, September 11.  1902
Did Lewis Brown and Charley
Used A Sixshooter And A Brick.

       Lewis Brown and Charley Denson, both of an ebony hue were consigned to jail about eleven o'clock Monday morning.
       Their arrest was the result of of (sic) a bloody fight that occurred near the crossing of the Groesbeeck road and the I. & G. N. railroad tracks northeast of town.
       Brown used a sixshooter and Denson used a brick.  The brick proved to be the best weapon and Brown was badly beaten up.
       It was alleged by Brown that Denson had been interfering with his (Brown's) domestic affairs to a degree sufficient to warrant his taking a hand.  He fired at Denson with 38 but the bullet went wild.  Before he could fire the second time Denson closed in on him with a brick, also with his teeth, and the fight was thereafter all against the man with the gun.
       The fight lasted for quite awhile both men being clinched in a death like struggle for the possession of the gun.  Some one telephoned Sheriff Carlton who went out and found them still clinched in mortal combat.  They were separated with difficulty by the sheriff who brought them to town and placed them in jail.
       A charge of carrying a pistol was preferred against Brown and a charge of aggravated assault and battery was preferred against Denson.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas