The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, March 31, 1904

Athorney General Rules on Important

     For several days there has been considerable discussion as to whether the forthcoming municipal election in Marlin would be held under the Terrell election law or under the provisions of the old Iaw.
     Some have and do contend that the new law applies to all elections held by the people and in support of this contention refer to a recent ruling given out by the attorney general's office. This opinion, It is contended by those who take the opposite view, is about as indefinite as the law itself and thus the matter stands.
     The matter has created a great deal of interest among the candidates, who are the most directly concerned.


     Since writing the above, interested parties requested an opinion of County Attorney Carter on the proper construction of the law with reference to its application to towns the size of Marlin. Mr. Carter at one called up the attorney general's office and obtained the following, in substance:
     1  Guard: rails and placards (instruction cards and distance markers) shall be used;
     2  The ballots shall be prepared under the supervision of the commissioners court and county clerk. If no nominations are made, candidates can run as independents.
     3  The cost of the ballots shall be defrayed by the City
     A meeting of the commissioner's court will be held Friday and this matter will probably be adjusted at that time.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.