The Marlin Democrat
Fifteenth Year   Number 8
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, April 21, 1904

Conductor And Faculty Chosen From
Five Counties

     Marlin is to be congratulated on securing the teachers summer normal for this district composed of five counties. This meeting will bring together a large body of teachers from these counties and aside from the money they, will necessarily leave here, their impressions of the town should be such as to be of future value to the community. And we feel that we can safely say that Marlin will extend the teachers a cordial welcome to our city.


     The representatives from McLennan, Falls, Limestone, Robertson and Leon counties met in Hearne Saturday, to arrange for the Summer Normal to be held in Marlin from June 23 to July 28th, 1904. Supt. E. A. Decherd of Franklin schools was elected conductor with following subjects: Methods and management, U S history, civics, grammar, writing, English, literature.
     The assistants selected, are: Supt. Henderson of Jewett; general history, physiology, physical geography, psychology.
     Supt. W. M. Pendergraft, Kosse; algebra, physics, reading, history of education, solid geometry.
     Supt. J. F. Ellis, Crawford; composition Texas, history, political geography, chemistry.
     W. K.  Holland, Marlin; geometry, arithmetic, spelling, trigonometry, American literature.
     The faculty is composed of five of the strongest school men in Texas and the union of five counties assures a large normal.



Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.