Typed and spelled as written: Kay Cunningham

The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, January 28, 1904

Took Chloroform Route
Man From Louisiana Shakes Off
Mortal Coil
Tells Wife Good-By In Letter

A man named Stoddard committed suicide Friday night in a room over the McWilliam restanrant by drinking chloroform.
    The poison was probably taken about eight o'clock and death came about two hours later.  As soon as the man's condition was discovered a physician was summoned and everything possible done to arouse the man but the poison had done its work and his life light passed out.
    The suicide was apparently about 45 years old and has a family in Boughton. La., from which place he came to Marlin about one week ago.  He stated as his business here that he was seeking farm hands for the cotton and cane fields of Louisiana.  He had been drinking pretty heavily of late and at times seemed very despondent.  Once before he had attempted suicide but was prevented from accomplishing the deed by a timely intervention.
    He ran out of funds a few days ago and telegraphed the sheriff at Boughton, who he stated was his cousin, for $50.  The money came promptly and it does not appear that his financial condition was such as to produce a desire to die.  On his person was found a last letter to his wife, the contents of which indicate that the man had brooded over some domestic trouble, real or imaginary, until his mind had reached a frame where self destruction suggested itself to him as the only solution to his troubles.
    Soon after his death a telegram was sent to his people in Louisiana notifying them of his sad ending and asking for orders as to the disposition of the remains.
    Drs. Ward and Smith were present at the time the man died.  A two ounce chloroform bottle was found under his head, about a third of it gone.  On his person were found 30 cts in silver, and empty pocket book and a letter he had written to his wife, Mrs. F. J. Stoddard at Boughton, Richland Parish, La.
    The letter stated, among other things, that he was in Marlin, had been drunk for several days, had had a fight with a man who entered his room with a drawn knife and whom he hit with his wooded leg, closing his letter with the statement that he had purchased a bottle of chloroform, with which he intended to "put himself to sleep, to wake up in the hereafter".  The letter was written on Wednesday January 20, stamped and addressed, but never mailed.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.