Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

(Missing) Year - Number  (Missing)
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, February 20, 1902

       The case of Jack Smith charged with criminal assault has been on trial since Wednesday morning.
       This case hs attracted a great deal of attention and at each session of the court the room has been crowded with people eager to hear every word of the testimony which unfolds a story of unexampled sensationalism, to say the least of it.
       The state began by introducing the testimony of the father of Elma Walker who testified as to the girl's age which he gave at less than fifteeen in July last.  This witness was followed by the girl, Elma Walker who detailed the circumstances, the particulars of which are not of such a nature as admit of publication.
       The defendant, among other witnesses, testified himself.  HIs testimony was such as to place Emma York and the Walker girl and her mother in the position of encouraging him by inference at least to commit the act of which he is charged.
       The lawyers began arguing the case before the jury at 11 o'clock, Assistant County Attorney, Carter opening, followed by the other attorneys for the state: F. M. Boyles and T. A. Blair; for the defense, Rice & Bartlett and Judge Teague of Grimes county.--Thursday's Daily.
       The jury in the Smith case, after remaining out for nearly two days brought in a verdict of guilty and assessed the punishment at confinement for seventy-five years in the penitentiary.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas