The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, March 3, 1904

To Be Confined To Mail Service With
More Pay

     The movement started some time since, to increase the pay of rural free delivery carriers is making good progress in congress, according to the following news item from Washington City:
     "The committee on post office and post roads has prepared a report recommending an increase in the pay of rural route carriers from $600 to $750 a year and denying to them the option of becoming the special agents or private concerns that may seek their services for hire. The report grants living compensation to a deserving class and strikes at a system that, if carried to its perfect fruitage, would bring demoralization and corruption to an important arm of the government's service. Rural mail delivery seems to have come to stay. It is the best thing the administration has done for the farm communities in recent years. The army of 21,000 carriers may now feel the dignity and educational worth of their vocation. With increased pay, they will be able to represent the government - and not private interests - the same as the city carriers do now."

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.