The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, March 31, 1904


The Way The carriers Will Go each

     About April 15 the two rural free deliver routes for Marlin will be opened.
     The carriers have not been appointed yet, in fact the examinations are yet to be held and the time has not been set for the examination of applicants.
     The establishment of Route, No.1 will probably cause the discontinuance of the star route between Stamp and Perry, the carrier on No.1 carrying a closed mail pouch to and from Stamp for that office.       The directions of the routes are as follows, both beginning at the Marlin post office:


      Northwest irregularly on Marlin and Waco (old) road 10 Hanes carner, 51-2 miles; thence north, east to Marlin ,and Riesel road, 5 1/2 miles; northwest on Marlin and Riesel road to Kruger corner, 4 miles; northeast on Mart and Perry road to Goeke corner. 2 miles; south east irregular to Stamp post office, 2 3/4 miles; southeast 1; southwest 1/4 south 2/4 and south east 1/2 to Marlin and Mont Calm road, 2 1/2 miles; southwest on Marlin and Mt Calm road to Marlin and Riesel road, 2 1/2 miles; southeast and south along H & T C track on Marlin and Riesel road to Marlin post office, 5 1/4 miles, Total 26 3/4 miles. Area covered, 30 square miles; number of houses on route, 120; population served, 480.

ROUTE No. 2.

     - East 1 1/2 miles; northeast and east 2 3/4 miles on Marlin and Kosse (upper) road to Smith's corner, 4 1/4 miles; northeast on Marlin and Thornton road to Van bridge, 5 1/4 miles; northwest 3/4, southwest 1 northwest irregular 1 1/4 to Adams corner, 3 miles; northeast to Jolly corner, 1/2 mile; northwest irregularly to Marlin and Groesbeeck road, 1 1/4  miles; west, 1 mile; southwest irregular 8 3/4 miles on Marlin and Groesbeeck road, passing McClanahan post office, 9 3/4 miles. Total, 24 miles; area covered, 26 square miles: number of houses, 110; population. 440.
     Time of departure, 7:30 a. m.; time of arrival on return to Marlin. 3 
p. m.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.