Typed as spelled and written
Kay Cunningham

Fifteenth Year - Number 22
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, July 28, 1904


     Whereas the District Summer Normal convened at Marlin is nearing its close, and whereas we, the students of the normal, will soon go to our work in the different parts of the district, therefore be it resolved, first:
     That we extend our heartfelt thanks to our able conductor, Prof. W. M. Pendegraft of Kosse and his efficient corps of assistants. Messrs A. W. Eddins and W. A. Holland of Marlin, and Mr. J. M. Henderson of Jewett, for their faithful and valuable services during said term of the normal.
     Second: That we take this opportunity of expressing to Marlin school board our thanks for, and appreciation of the permission to use their most pleasant and magnificent school building during the term.
     Third: That we invoked God's richest blessings on the people of Marlin for their kindly interest and generous hospitality during our stay in their midst.
     Fourth: That we offer our thanks to Dr. Sewell for his highly entertaining and instructive lesson in practical electricity.
     Fifth: That we vote our thanks to Rev. Andrews, pastor of the Baptist church, for his kind invitation to the students of the normal to attend appropriate special service.
     Sixth: That we extend our thanks to Hon. Tom Connally for his timely and practical lecture in the workings of the state legislature of the state of Texas.
     Seventh: That we ask the papers of the several counties composing the district to publish these resolution.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas