Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Thirteenth Year - Number 6
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, April 03,  1902

       Some rain of late, causing the prospects for the coming crop to increase fourfolds.  Everybody seems to be loving everybody in this section of old Falls.  Corn up to a good stand, in fact the farmers are rather flattering themselves on the stand.
       Garden vegetables are coming into where they belong,--on the table.
       County candidates are "perambulating" the streets of Reagan.  They seem to be all the way from good, better and best in the ranks.
       Dr. Davison has made some substantial improvementsaround (sic) his residence in Reagan.
       Miss Verna Davison is drilling her music class, to give an (sic) musical concert in the near future.  I am certain it will be a treat to all who will be present at the time.
       Mr. G. B. Robbins is making some improvements to his town property this week.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas