The Marlin Democrat
Fifteenth Year   Number 8
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, June 2, 1904


     The teachers of the public school were honored of a moonlight picnic at the Falls, Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Bolivar Nettles being host and hostess.
     Mr. and Mrs. Nettles are noted for their genuine hospitality and this occasion classed very high as one of real pleasure and generous entertainment.
     A large wagon with good spring seats was used and at 6:30 left town and the drive down was a most exhilarating one. The hostess spread supper on the spacious gallery of the club house and everything good to eat was in sight, fried chicken, olives, pickles, sandwiches, stuffed eggs crackers, salad, chocolate tarts, angel food, maple ice cream and last but not least plenty of good fried fish. If the Marlin girls could have seen one of our boys fry fish they would use double efforts to be the lucky girl.
     A Virginia reel was indulged in wading in the falls and all sorts of fun was had.
     After a rising vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Nettles, proposed by some of the teachers, the jolly crowd started home. The drive was made merry with some of the teachers, the jolly crowd started home.  The drive was made merry with songs and laughter arriving in town about 12:30.
     Those to attend this delightful picnic were the teachers, Alfred Martin, W. E. Thrash, Dr. Loughridge of California, Frank Sevall.  Misses Martin, Alice and Mary Gordrich and Josie Wright.
     Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Nettles with Mr. and Mrs. Mose Levi chaperoned the jolly crowd.


Note: Mary Gordrich may possibly be Mary Goodrich. kc


Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.