The Marlin Democrat
Fifteenth Year   Number 8
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, June 30, 1904

Scrap of Early History.====Flag Without
An Owner.

     Like some old time friend THE DEMOCRAT finds its way into our Salado once a week for which we should have acknowledged our thanks long since, either to the proprietor or some old time friend who perhaps knew us in the days of "Buck Snort;" when morality was at a discount and six shooters were the persuaders or mediums through which legal or illegal differences were adjusted.  Be that as it may, we are proud to know that we have outlived the days of "Buck-Snort" but not the kind remembrances of old time friends.
     Excuse my digression. My allusion to the old village of Buck Snort, situated about two miles south of Marlin, calls to mind some incidents that occurred many years ago.  Just east of the old village was a race track that once a year was visited by sport-loving characters from the Colorado to the Red River. In my mind's eye I can see Uncle John Marlin, for whom Marlin was named, walking up and down that old race track with a placard on his back, "More bets wanted on Lize Kellum." Many thousand dollars changed hands on that occasion.
     I started out to thank unknown kindness on the part of someone, but find that I have slipped off into an age perhaps unknown to most of the present inhabitants. Permit me to say to the survivors of Capt. W. L. Lang's company that, according to my conception. I have fought a reasonably good fight for the recovery of the Old Flag since it was returned to the Texas Division U. D. C. at Corsicana by Mrs. Lull of New Hampshire.  After corresponding with nearly all the officials of the State U. D. C., receiving favorable or encouraging answers as to our right to recover from the Relic Room in Richmond, Va., wrote to Mrs. Winkler of El Paso, regent of the Texas Room. Mrs. Winkler 30 completely clipped my wings that I gallantly succumbed to the inevitable. I have been ambitious for the recovery of the flag, that it might be returned to the survivors of Capt. W. L. Lang's company.  They to the U. D. C. of Marlin with its history.  They to the room appropriated by our state legislature for the preservation of Texas relics.
     The only history the flag has at present is "It is a Texas flag a long ways from without parentage."
     With many kind wishes for the success of our old Falls county friends and THE DEMOCRAT.

Yours truly,
Salado, June 20, 1904.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.