The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, February 25, 1904

Will Galloway Shot To
Death By Wallace Frank
Trouble Started Over
A Dollar Bet

     Early Saturday afternoon Will Galloway was shot to death by Wallace Frank on the public road near Blevins.
     Both were young men of that community and the trouble that led to the killng started over a dollar bet made between the two. According to the statement of au eyewitness, a bet was made by Galloway with Frank that; the latter could not throw an anvil over his head. The money was deposited with a boy named Stucky, who was present. Frank proceeded to do the stunts with the anvil, but Galloway claimed it was not fairly done, and grabbed one of the dollars and left the shop, the other dollar falling from the Stucky boy's hand. The boy and Galloway went off down the road and were soon followed by Frank who overtook them near the residence of Mr. Jim Bowers, and again demanded the dollar he claimed to have won.
     Galloway refused to give up the money and the shooting began. Witnesses at the inquest differed some as to the number of shots that were fired, but be this as it may, two shots from a 38 calibre pistol took effect in Galloway's body, entering under the left shoulder and ranging diagonally through the body, one coming out and the other finding lodgment just under the skin. Galloway lived but a few minutes.
     Sheriff Greer was immediately notified and went out and brought young Frank to Marlin and placed him in jail.
     lnquest proceedings were held Saturday evening by Justice W. A. Martin of that precinct whose findings were in accordance with evidence adduced at the hearing.
     The grand jury is now investigating the affair.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.