Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Thirteenth Year - Number 22
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, July 31, 1902
Great Damage Done the I. & G. N. Ry.

       Mart, Tex., July 29.--The heaviest rain within the memory of the oldest inhabitant ended here today about 10 o'clock after falling continuously since 11 o'clock last night.
       Creeks have overflowed, crops have been damaged, roads washed and the town flooded.
       The greatest damage being to the tracks on the I. & G. N. All srains (sic) have been discontinued nutil (sic) further notice.
       A washout of 30 yards this side of Battle occurred this morning.
       The track from here to Marlin was in a precarious condition.  In many places water was running ovr it.  It came in a snail pace.  The big pond of the I, & G. N. is full and the attention of all of the available working force is demanded for the protection of the dam.  This pool covers nearly one hundred acres near the track and the embankment upon which the track is laid serves as the "dam,"  The lake is six or eight miles long.
       Nearly every one who could went out to see it just as soon as the rain ceased.

       Supt. Bowers reports that north of Waco the I. & G. N. has suffered a loss of $60,000.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas