Typed as spelled and written

Lena Stone Criswell




Thirteenth Year - Number 41

Marlin, Texas, December 11, 1902






    The Marlin Business League held a special meeting Monday night at the Mayor's office, there having been no regular meeting the week previous.

    In the absence of the president James R. Taylor was called to the chair.

    Secretary Harrison asked that he be excused from serving as secretary and his request was granted.  J. M. Kennedy was elected temporary secretary for that meeting.

    Minutes of previous meeting were read and after a minor correction were adopted.

    Under the head of communications the following were read

    From S. Reynolds Tucker, to the mayor referring to handling of the artesian water in Louisville, Ky. and referred by the mayor to the Business League. The proposition was acted upon favorably by the League and a committee composed of Dr. S. P. Rice, L. N. Stanley and J. M. Kennedy were appointed to confer with the city council upon the same.

    From G. H. Turner, general freight agent of the I. & G. N. regarding special emergency rates on corn.  He stated that the interstate roads had declined to enter into such an agreement but that the I. & G. N. would refund one half of the earnings from this line of traffic between Texas points where it has a haul, provided the corn goes to the needy and deserving in the territory effected by drought or overflow.

    From Mr. L. Z. Harrison, tendering his resignation as secre(tary).



    Gentlemen:--As I will leave your beautiful little city in a few days and make my elsewhere, I hereby tender you my resignation to take effect at once.  I regret that I must sever my connections with those whom I have had such friendly relations and I shall ever cherish the memory of the kindness shown me by the members of the league, I will always have a kindly feeling for the league and whenever I can will be glad to assist in the upbuilding of Marlin.

                                                         Very respectfully,

                                                                  L. Z. HARRISON.


    On motion the resignation was accepted and a resolution of thanks voted the retiring secretary for his faithful performance of duty.

    Under officers report the treasurer reported balance on hand of $468.

    Under head of advertising committee reports Chairman T. A. (Ch)eeves of the committee reported that in compliance with the League's instructions a con(t)ract had been made for the ad(v)ertising in the "Southern Paci(f)ic Coast Advertising Book" and that the cost to the League would be about $150, individuals having subscribed for sufficient space to pay the remainder of the $250 charged for five pages.

    Dr. Robertson, for the collection committee, reported that about $200 had been collected since last meeting.

    Dr. Robertson, chairman of entertainment committee, suggested that the League should make some provision for entertain the physicians of the medical association at its meeting in Marlin.  After some discussion it was agreed that a banquet would be given the association on the first night and the following committee was appointed to take the matter in hand, solicit subscriptions to defray the expenses, etc., and to co-operate with the local physicians in the matter of arranging for the banquet:  W W Allen, B C Nettles, L N Stanley.  On motion J R. Taylor was added.

    A motion was unanimously adopted that each member present subscribe $2.00 toward defraying expenses of the banquet.

    L. N. Stanley presented the subject of parties desiring to establish a feed mill in Marlin and said that it could be brought here by proper inducements in the way of a building site.  The members expressed themselves, generally as in favor of all such enterprises, but no action was taken by the league.

    The president protem and acting secretary were instructed to make arrangements for a smoker upon the occasion of the annual meeting in January and the president protem was authorized to appoint other assistants in the matter.

    The election of a secretary was deferred until the regular election in January.




Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing

by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.