The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, April 14, 1904


     The question has been asked if the Marlin Public Library Association was a "free institution ?" The answer is that it is not, but that the fees for membership are so low that it amounts almost to a free membership. The fee is only one dollar a year, or less than two cents a week.
     Who in Marlin that desires the town to have a good library would not be willing to contribute the insignificant sum of one dollar for its maintenance? Who in Marlin would want free access to all library when the fee is only one dollar a year? Again, did anyone ever know anything in the way of a public institution that was absolutely free to be any good to anyone? The original members of the Marlin Public Library Association are not capitalists, nor the sons and daughters of capitalists. Realizing the great necessity for an institution of this kind they have banded themselves together for the purpose, of establishing a creditable library, from and by their own resources. Each and everyone who is now a member has paid the fee of membership. There is no limit to the number that may join and receive the benefits of the institution at the nominal figure.
     About 200 volumes have been secured, by purchase and donation and arrangements are in progress whereby some suitable permanent place can be secured for the library.
     An "opening" will be given next Friday evening when the public will be given an opportunity to become more familiar with the aims and objects of the institution.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.