The Marlin Democrat
Fifteenth Year   Number 12
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, May 19, 1904


     TO THE PUBLlC: - For several days past the Business League has had committees out soliciting subscriptions from those interested, for the general entertainment and advertising fund for the present year. Notwithstanding the fact that amounts asked for from those directly interested are much larger than heretofore, in most instances the amounts have been readily and willingly approved. In a few cases however, some of those directly interested have thus far failed to contribute their proportion. This failure is confined strictly to boarding houses. And to them, especially those who have not been able to see their way clear to help this fund, we wish to make a plain statement in a few words,
     Your guests, and in most cases you have a house full, need some diversion and amusement during the long summer evenings and to provide for this there is a band of music which play at the park each evening. We dare say that every boarding house keeper in the town calls their guests attention to this park.
Now, first, can you consistently invite your boarders to go out and hear the music when you not only refuse to subscribe yourself but discourage others in doing so. In a spirit of fairness is it not just that you do your part. Do you not help your business. the popularity of your house and city by so doing? Considering all things, we do not see how any one in the boarding house business, or any other business in Marlin, for that matter, can refuse to add their prorata to this fund.
     Now all the above is based on the statement and supposition that there is a band of music for the amusement of the visiting public, which apparently is the case. But the facts are these: This band is here at present and playing each evening, but we have not signed a contract with them for a definite time and do not propose to do so unless you people come up with your amounts. It will cost two hundred dollars per month to keep up this band and unless those interested pay in their share, it will not be right for others to be called on to pay your part and we do not propose to do so. Consequently, unless those who have been slow in coming forward with their share make a change in the near future it is only a question of a short while until there will be no music, no park kept up, no concert of action and most likely those of you who now have full houses will be asking "what has become of the visitors?" The answer will very readily come in words like these, "Visiting health resorts where they can be entertained." Those who are subscribing to this fund are not only expected but urged to insist on their guests visiting the park at all times and take advantage of all forms of amusements offered. And, conscientiously, we do not see how any proprietor of a boarding house can invite a guest to take part in what they worse than have no right to enjoy themselves.



Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.