The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, March 3, 1904

(From The Cyclone)

R. J. Garrett of Blue Ridge unloaded a carload of hog wire here last week with which he will fence off a large pasture and engage in hog raising for the market.

The question of rural free delivery routes from Kosse post office is being discussed by patron of the office, and it is possible that applications will be soon made for the routes.

There was considerable activity in the egg market Saturday, the price going from 12 cents in the morning to 19 cents in the evening as a result of the sharp competition of buyers stimulated by good prices.

Mr. J. R. Sowders of this city and Mrs. T. J. Gillespie of Stranger were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the of the bride on Blue Ridge at 3 o'clock last Sunday afternoon, Rev. J. W. Treadwell officiating.

Mrs. Lizzie Jackson writes from St. Louis that she has decided to take up residence at least temporarily, in East St. Louis. She has leased a roomy new house and is now having same furnished throughout with the intention of caring for a limited number of guests during the coming fair. The children will likely join her a little later on.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.