The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, February 25, 1904

Government Agent Here In
Interest Of Work

   Mr. A. B. Killnebrew a representative of the agricultural department of the United States government, is in this city for the purpose of laying before the farmers of this immediate locality the plans of the department for demonstrating the value of improved and scientific methods of farming, particularly the culture of cotton with a view of defeating the cotton pests and increasing the yield of the product to the acre.
     The department is presided over by Dr. Knapp, who has laid extensive plans for the furtherance of agricultural interests by promoting improved methods of planting and cultivating.
     Mr. Kinnebrew is here for the purpose of securing the co-operation of as many farmers as possible in the work outlined by the department.
     Briefly stated, the plan is to get the farmers to form a club whose object is to adopt the improved methods suggested by the department on a portion of their farms, say from one to twenty acres. Each farmer who goes into the club, will sign an agreement that he will cultivate a certain number of acres (to be decided by himself) exactly as the department recommends from time to time. He will, to begin with, prepare his land just as instructed fertilize the same if deemed necessary by the department, plant improved seed and in all repects comply with the suggestions sent him from time to time. For this service the government charges nothing and the farmer gets the full proceeds of the crop raised in this way.
     This, at once suggests a practical plan of demonstrating the value of scientific methods in farming and as it costs the farmer almost nothing to try it, besides getting the full benefit of the results of the demonstration, it seems that there is no reason why the club proposed here should not be a very large one.

     LATER - A club was perfected today with W. D. Kyser as president and C. T, Curry as secretary. All farmer who will co-opererate in the plan of the government are requested to hand or send their names AT ONCE to either the president or the secretary who will forward them to the department. It costs absolutely nothing to join - all one obligates himself to do is to cultivate one or more acres of his cotton along plans sent him from time to time by the department.
     Mr. Kinnebrew stated to the DEMOCRAT that he would visit this section at intervals during the cotton season and confer with the farmers. Also that all parties who sign their names to the list will receive literature on the subject from time to time.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.