The Marlin Democrat
Fifteenth Year   Number 38
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, June 9, 1904

Delegates Chosen To County

     In pursaunce to the call of Chairman N. J. Lewellyn democrats of North Marlin voting box met at the court house Saturday afternoon for the purpose of electing, delegates to the county convention, which meets in Marlin next Saturday.
     N. J. Lewellyn was elected chairman and Ben Taylor secretary.
     On motion B. H. Rice, J. H. Robinson and C. P. Hudson were appointed a committee to recommend a list of delegates to the county convention. The committee reported the following:
     W. D. Kyser, J. L. Lenoir, W. W. Hunnicutt, Z. I. Harlan, T. E. BattIe, Geo H. Carter. C. J. Bartlett, J. P. Norwood, L. W. Goodrich, A.Ernst, C. T. Curry, L. E. AIlen, C. W. Rush.
     On motion of W. P. Dashiel the committee and also the chairman and secretary were added to the delegation.


     The following resolution, introduced by C. P. Hudson, was unanimously adopted:
     We, the democrats of North Marlin in convention assembled, feeling a deep interest in the selection of a standard bearer, lot our party in the coming presidential contest and
     Whereas, we have full confidence in the patritiotism, ability and statesmanship of Judge Parker of New York, and realizing in him a conservative leader, possessing in a rare degree those qualifications, that pre-eminently him for the discharge of the duties of president the United States. 
     Therefore, be it resolved that we respectfully urge his name at the county convention as our choice for president.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.