Submitted by

Barbara (Caddell) Fox



The Marlin Daily Democrat
February 20, 1918

County School Notes
(By G. A. Pringle)

     The McClanahan school, five miles northwest of Marlin, is a three-teacher school with H. G. Moon as principal, Miss Lottie Steele, intermediate, and Miss Mabel Ellis, primary teacher.
     The principal is doing his first year’s teaching, but being exceptionally well qualified, having had four years work in Baylor, and with his tact and enthusiasm, he is securing good results.
     The history classes reciting principally by the topic method, showed that they were getting hold of the subject well, and that they were being properly instructed.
     The principal is making preparation for the local meet of the Interscholastic League to be held here March 16, and his pupils will make a good showing in the different events.
     Miss Steele is doing her first year’s work as intermediate teacher here, but she is succeeding nicely, and the reading classes heard in her room read with good expression and showed that they were receiving good instructions in this very important subject.
     Miss Ellis has been connected with the school the past three years as intermediate teacher, but this year she has charge of the primary room and she is getting excellent results as shown from the work of the pupils in her room.


     The Eureka school, four miles northeast of McClanahan, on the Marlin and Groesbeck road, has been a one-teacher school until this year, but the school having grown too large for one teacher to handle, the trustees moved the school building near the center of the district and remodeled it into a comfortable two-room building and employed Miss Fannie Vanderford as principal and Miss Edith Davis as primary teacher.
     Both rooms are nicely equipped with new single desks, teachers’ chairs and desks, and other equipment will be added as the school continues to grow.
     The recitations in both rooms showed that the teachers were doing their duty well and that the school is getting along nicely.
     The songs of the primary room were well rendered and much credit should be given the teacher for this important service.


          The Criswell school, five miles northeast of Eureka, is a two-teacher school with Neil Rosco as principal and Mrs. Clara McDaniel as primary teacher.
     The principal is doing his first year’s work here and has considerable difficulty in arousing a live interest in the school, however, he is getting good results and hopes to secure a better interest on the part of the patrons and to build up the school interest.
     The geography classes of the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades had well prepared lessons on the Central States, and on general geography, giving the causes of ocean movements, tides, etc., with their causes and effects.
     The primary teacher is out a few days on account of sickness in her family, and her daughter is doing substitute work in her place.  The reading classes of the first, second, and third grades had very nicely prepared lessons.


    The Mettina school, three miles north of the Criswell school, has put on considerable life since last year.  They have a nice, new, comfortable one-room building, which they have equipped with new single desks, and they are planning to have some other necessary equipment in the near future.
     Miss Jewel Fenner is doing her first year’s work here, but having the hearty co-operation of her patrons and the interest of the pupils, she is securing excellent results and is giving good satisfaction.
    The fourth grade class, studying Hill reader, read the famous poem, “Gracie of Alabama,” by one of our famous southern poets.
    The second grade language class had for a lesson the picture story, “Learning to Walk,” and the little written lessons on the story by the pupils was quite creditable.
     The fifth grade geography, studying part two, had a good lesson on the rotation and revolution of the earth, giving effects of each.

Harmony Hill.

    The Harmony Hill school, four miles north of Marlin, is a one-teacher school, in charge of Miss Thelma Cox, who is doing her second year’s work here, and the school, though having a large enrollment, is getting along very nicely.
    The first grade language, having for a lesson the picture story, “The Cat and the Donkey,” recited orally the story, and a written lesson was assigned for the next lesson.
    The second grade language had the story about the “Lark’s Nest,” and had nicely written stories on this interesting story, which the children like so much.
     The fifth grade grammar class had a good lesson on verbs, defining and giving examples of strong and weak verbs, and giving synopsis of verbs in conjugation in the different persons, numbers and tenses.


     The Perry school shows considerable growth the past year, and while they have only two teachers this year, both rooms are crowded and the third teacher will be necessary by next term.  This will make it necessary to have another room and many of the patrons are in favor of having a new modern building and very likely they will get together and decide to erect one that be a credit to the community, and one that the children will appreciate and be proud of.
     Miss Claudia Plott is principal and Miss Leona Holston the primary teacher again this year.  This is the principal’s first year here, but having taken work in Baylor and the State Normal, together with former successful experience in teaching in the county, makes her a good principal and she is obtaining satisfactory results.
     New single desks, a suspended globe, case of maps, teachers’ desks and chairs, and a fifty-dollar library with a new case has been installed, and this fine equipment is much appreciated by both teachers and pupils.
     The fifth grade geography class in the principal’s room had a good lesson on the Middle Atlantic States, naming the rivers that break through the Appalachian mountains and the effect upon the manufacturing industry in this section; also the effect of the sinking of the Atlantic coast, making good harbors on account of the greater depth of the water along this coast.
     The sixth grade recited an interesting lesson on the Netherlands and Belgium, giving the characteristics of each, their principal products and the effect of the world war on these little countries.
     The map of Europe in the case of wall maps proved to be of great value in this work, and the teacher showed the proper conception of correlating history and geography, which should be done at every opportunity, as the two subjects go hand in hand.
     The third grade reading lesson, studying the Hill reader, read the interesting story of Sergeant Jasper, who jumped over the walls of the fort at Charleston and replaced the flag, the mast of which had been broken, causing the flag to fall outside the fort.  This stirring incident of bravery as well as many others, found in our country’s history, should be impressed upon the minds of the children, thus instilling greater patriotism and love of country.
     The fourth grade read the beautiful poem by John Greenleaf Whittler, entitled, “The Barefoot Boy,” and the expression as well as the articulation was very well rendered.
    This is Miss Holson’s second year here and, considering the large enrollment and the crowded condition of her room, she is getting good results.


     The past six weeks have been the hardest period we have had on the schools in several years as epidemics of measles, mumps, reseola, la grippe, pneumonia and other serious ailments that usually follow these cold spells, have decreased the attendance in many of the schools to about fifty per cent of the enrollment, and the pupils have not been the only ones to suffer, as many of the teachers have been sick also, but we hope that we shall soon get a good rain and then fair and open weather, thus causing better atmospheric conditions, contributing to better attendance in school.
     Notwithstanding many of the drawbacks, the schools generally are doing good work and with the continued co-operation of the patrons, we hope yet to have the best school year in the history of the county.