The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, April 7, 1904

Interesting Subjects Discussed
Committees Appointed

     The Marlin Business League was called to order in regular session Monday night at 8 o'clock.
     The meeting was well attended here being fully fifty members present.
     The roll call of directors showed most of them present at the meeting.
     Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.
     For the information: of the league the president had Secretary Burkhead to read.the minutes of the director's meeting; reporting their organization for the year 1904, as previously published in this paper. 
     President Allen, under the head of officers reports, stated that the time had come when the league must have the hearty co-operation and support of those individuals and institutions who are directly interested in people coming to Marlin. All efforts possible to secure this co-operation would be made; if they failed to secure this co-operation, then the League would work alone for business from the farmers and to the improvement of the town.
     By way of a program, thoughtfully arranged interspersed with some diversion, the president called for talks from various parties present, as follows:
     A. A. Ritcheson, manager of the Southwestern Telephone Company, made a few remarks in behalf of a telephone directory he was getting out, showing the number of the telephone and the street number of each subscriber. He would appreciate some advertising patronage in order to get out a good one.
     Judge Hunnicutt, responding to the subject, "Good Roads - Benefits of Same", made an interesting talk on public roads of the county. The Judge took the position that taxes applied to the improvement of public roads was the best way that tax money could be spent.  He urged the league to take up the matter of pushing the construction of public roads into and through the country in all directions.
     C. T. Curry, who was down for a talk on "Good Sidewalks - How They Effect Schools" was detained at another meeting and at the suggestion of Mr. Allen, Messrs George Carter and B. C. Nettles, largely interested in schools and sidewalks, told the league members a few good things along this line, urging the necessity of maintaining good sidewalks and streets. Mr. NettIes, in addition to endorsing what Mr. Carter had said, took the position that the condition of the streets had all to do with the service rendered by the fire department. The department needed encouragement along several lines, notably among these being the improvement of the streets. He touched heavily upon the dust evil, saying that it was essentially necessary that the department be more generally supported by the business interests of the community in the matter of paying for street sprinkling.
     W. W. Allen on the subject of Music, etc.. said, among other things, that keeping before the public the advantages of Marlin, the entertainment of the visitors was dependent largely upon the maintenance of good music. The band, when secured, should be placed at the public park; that Marlin men who dance at the park should pay a small fee for the privilege the proceeds to go to the music fund. He suggested other improvements in the method of handling the music which he thought ought to be engaged by May 1st.
     Mr. C. Jay Bartlett, who was on the program for an address on "How to Entertain Lady Visitors," failed to appear on account of other important engagements.
     D. P. McAlpine on "General and Special Advertising" read a treatise on advertising a health resort. He congratulated Marlin by being placed on the map by Comiskey and his men and thought Marlin should lose no opportunity in keeping its ad vantages before the public. Judicious adverting was the most lasting investment that could be made. He advocated a thorough system of advertising and predicted that should Marlin proceed properly along this line that it would not be long until Marlin's fame would extend from sea to sea.
     J. R. Taylor on "Hot Water vs. Other Drinks" took the position that Marlin should go into advertising her hot water like Milwaukee made a certain brew of beer famous. He had heard that if one used Marlin hot water one would have little use for other drinks - he had never tried that plan, however, Marlin's greatest claims for fame, he said, were her fire department and her hot water.
     "Skeeter" Levy next entertained the league with a thrilling history of the great sport of badger fighting. He gave an interesting report of the sport from the day of Washington down to the last fight in Marlin.
"Marlin Sanitariums" was the subject of an interesting talk by Dr. J. W. Torbett.  Every one in Marlin, he said was benefitted by the advertising done. He called attention to the fact that no other hot well has ever been a success, Marlin alone enjoying that world wide distinction. He pointed out some defects and suggested some wholesome remedies. The adaptibility of Marlin for a winter resort should not be overlooked. He closed by urging unity and harmony.
     Dr. S. P.  Rice stated that all were willing to pay their pro rata of whatever, expense were required to continue the work of the league, such as advertising, entertainment, etc.
     President Allen submitted a report showing amounts needed and passed this over for future action.
     The proposed amendment to the constitution increasing the board of directors to nine, as recently recommended by the president, was tabled on motion of the author thereof, after discussion.
     A rising vote was taken on question of securing music and the vote was unanimous.
     Something was said about the ball park but no action was taken.


     President Allen appointed the following standing committees:
     Advertising - T. A. Cheeves, chairman; Paul Gardere, D. P. McAlpine, T. S. Clark, F. B. Martin.
     City Development - L. P. Robertson, chairman; A. R. Wright, J. M. Kennedy, Geo. S. Cousins, B. C. Curry.
     Railroads - Joe Levy, chairman; F. S. Heffner, Geo. M. Herring, J. W. Torbett, S. P. Rice.
     Entertainment - W. W. Allen, chairman; A. Levy, C. L. Fannin, C. J. Bartlett, Geo. Carter.
     Manufacturers and Mercantile - B. C. Nettles, E. W. Nicholson, J. W. Bartlett, L. A. Robinson, Geo. Frank.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.