The Marlin Democrat
Fifteenth Year   Number 16
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, June 16, 1904


     An absent-minded young lady, having been duly married, started off on her bridal tour. The party stopped at a western city. Some time in the night there came a succession of terrified shrieks from the room occupied by the bride and groom, and the clerks, porters and employees generally rushed up stairs only to meet a frantic female figure, clad in white, fleeing in desperate haste from her apartment, crying.
     "Oh, there's a man in my room!"
     The clerk rushed in and found the groom, one boot on and the other in his hand, the picture of amazement, lie explained that he had just come upstairs and was in the act of undressing (his wife had previously retired), when she suddenly awoke with a shriek and fled.
     "What was the matter?" Asked the clerk.
     "I don't know," said the husband,
     Just then the bride, enveloped in a huge bedspread procured for her by a chambermaid, came back looking very red and foolish, and in a hslf minute she explained the mystery by saying:
     "Oh, Fred! I forgot I was married, and when I awoke I was so frightened,"


Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.