Submitted by Robert L. Haddock



Marlin Democrat

Falls County, Texas

Wednesday, Jan. 5, 1910




To The Democrat:


We are having some warm, blistering weather at present; it seems almost like spring again.


The new year is here and it will not be long until you can hear the sound of farming implements preparing the land for another crop.


The cotton is not all picked yet, and the gin runs two days out of the week. They ginned twenty-two bales on last Thursday.


Henry Pratt and family visited W. L. Pratt and family Sunday.


J. L. Litteral and family were guests at the of L. B. McCain and wife Sunday.


Mrs. Georgia Bowers visited her sister, Mrs. Jess Hay, of Cego, Sunday.


Miss Bessie Busby and brother returned Sunday after spending several days with friends here.  They were accompanied to Eddy by Bennie Clark and sister, Ell Jennings and sister, and Ernest Clark.


Henry Smith of Waco visited Mrs. Annie Jennings and family Sunday.


The entertainment at the of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. McCain Friday night was very much enjoyed by a large crowd of young folks.


Uncle West McFalls and family moved to Lorena this week. We are parting with good friends, but hope they will be pleased with their new home.


Christmas parties seem to be the order of the day. There was an entertainment at the of Mr. and Mrs. Otho Horton Tuesday night.


Miss Mamie Hairston of Waco visited folks Sunday.


Mrs. Lottie Moore and children and John Keetch and family visited their father near Troy Sunday.


On New Year’s evening, a crowd of little folks gathered at the of Mrs. Ben Clark at two-thirty and prepared themselves with bells, horns, harps and drum and marched to the of J. L. Litteral, as a surprise to their little son, Bennie. Refreshments were served and games played and enjoyed very much by the little folks. At a late hour, they departed for their homes, wishing their host a bright New Year, and hope to have another merry time in the near future.


Mrs. Ben Hardin of West returned Thursday afternoon after spending several days with her daughter, Mrs. Rosa Thompson.


Ben Kincannon of Bruceville was on our streets one day this week with a drove of mules.


Floyd Jackson, Misses Ethel Jennings, Ettie English, Bennie Clark, and Susie Jennings attended church at Shields Sunday night.


Mrs. Bell Lawrence and little son, Pratt, left for their in New Mexico Tuesday after spending several months with her parents here.


The entertainment at the of E. V. Hairston Saturday night was very much enjoyed by all present.


John and Hoy* Hairston and Thedford Litteral went to Eddy Sunday.


Miss Willie King of Temple and Miss Ruby Smith of Marlin came back Sunday to resume their work in the school room.


With best wishes to all.



*Should read ‘Roy Hairston’
