The Marlin Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, March 3, 1904


    Miss Louise Finks was hostess to the Bachelor Maids Saturday afternoon and out of compliment to the visiting young ladies an extra table was had. It was a lively game from start to finish and the bidding ran high. and at the end Miss Sallie Peyton declared the highest score and also the highest number of lone hands. Miss Sallie Thatcher won the guest's price. Miss Finks, assisted by her sister, Mrs. Bowdon, served a most inviting lunch after which Miss Johnson sang several songs. Miss Finks had as her guests Misses Archer of Beaumont, Thatcher of Belton, Johnson of Dallas, Clarkson, Frank, Mesdames Mollie Bartlett, Bowden and SmIth. The next meeting will be with Miss McLendon.

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.