Typed and spelled as written: Kay Cunningham                                             


                                                               THE DAILY DEMOCRAT
                                   Fifth Year    Marlin, Texas   Thursday June 15, 1905     Number 79

                                                                 AROUND THE CITY

Mrs. M. L. Anderson is visiting in Sour Lake.

Jesse J. Jones, of Chilton, is spending the week in Marlin.

Miss Stubblefield, of Waco is guest of Mrs. John Humphrey.

J. E. Watts, a prominent citizen of Cameron, is a Marlin visitor.

Miss Ellen Gardner has returned from a visit to friends in Austin.

Mrs. A. J. Butler and A. G. Butler, of Fort Worth are among the visitors.

Miss Bertha Frank has returned from a visit to friends in La Grange.

Miss Minnie Prideaux has returned to Lott after a visit to relatives in Marlin.

Miss Cleo Frost, of Mineral Wells, is visiting her cousin, Miss Seawillow Johnson.

Mrs. Tennery and Miss Carr, of Ardmore, I. T., are visitors at Mrs. J. H. Redden's.

Mrs. C. A. Abercrombie and daughter, Jolly, of Houston, are vistiing Mr. and Mrs. John M. Jolly.

J. P. Gardere left last night for Baltimore on a visit to Mrs. Gardere who is spending the summer there.

The court of criminal appeals has reversed and remanded the case of Wash Holland on appeal from Falls county.

Mrs. R. S. Hunnicutt was called to Rockdale Wednesday afternoon on account of the serious illness of her daughter, Mrs. S. M. Wood.

Hon. Geo. F. Burgess and wife returned to Gonzales today.  Miss Munsen, who has been with Mrs. Burgess, also departed for New Orleans.

D. J. McWilliams, who formerly taught at Reagan and Rosebud, has been elected to the superintendency of the Lott High School for the next term.

Miss Annie Lou Rainey departed Wednesday afternoon for her in Alabama.  She was accompanied to Waco by Mrs. W. T. McKnight and son, Otey.

W. P. Labban and Thos. P. Palfry, tax experts of the "Sap" railroad, were here today from San Antonio interviewing the commissioners' court on the valuation propositions.

For Sale----Two Western eletric 4-blade ceiling fans, one Diehl 2-blade ceiling fan, 110 volt direct, adapted to Marlin current.  Will sell cheap. See J. W. Hoke, Marlin, Tex.  

Plums For Preserving.  Parties desiring nice plums for preserving may have them at 25 cents per bucket by coming to the orchard and picking them.S. N. Donohoo.

J. W. Hoke was in the Cego country Wednesday on business.  He met up with a heavy rain out there and got thoroughly soaked.  Corn is doing nicely and cotton, too, where it has been worked out.

W. W. Allen has shown the DEMOCRAT some specimens of fine fruit grown at his in Marlin.  The Japanese plums and early peaches are both especially fine in appearance and in flavor.

Among the 1905 list of graduates in civil engineering at the University of Texas we note the name of William Earle Elam of Marlin.  Will has completed the four year course with three years work.

Plums will be plentiful for the next ten days.  More tomatoes and cheapest ones.  If wagons don't reach you leave orders with your grocery merchant from 12 to 2 p.m., 8 to 10 p.m.  Stallworth's Bridge Truck Garden.    79-3t

Remember the Racket store, C. C. Morris proprietor, when you want nicely colored glassware for souvenirs.  These souvenirs are made very beautiful by the Marlin hot water and are appropriate souvenirs.  55-tf

Miss Mattie Ivey, of Franklin, will leave on July 15 for Corea, where she will enter the missionary field as a representative of the Methodist church.  She spent two years at the Scarriett Bible Training School in Kansas City preparing for the work.

Dr. A. P. Boston of Abliene, will remain with Dr. J. W. Cook until July 1.
Dr. Boston's treatment of diseases of the eye, ear, nose, and throat is second to none and those who are affected with any of these troubles should see him.    74-tf

Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Criswell came down from Mart Wednesday night on their honeymoon trip.  They were married at 7:30 p.m., the bride being Miss Elizabeth Townsend.  They will reside at Waco where the groom is a deputy under Sheriff Tillery.