Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Thirty-First Year - Number 55
Marlin, Texas, Monday, July 6, 1931
Purely Personal

       Mrs. Maude T. Horne spent the weekend in Houston.


       Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Skaggs of San Saba are in Marlin for the baths.


       Oscar Phillips and A. C. Henley of Freeport came up for the July Fourth holiday.


       Miss Aline Petteway and mother have returned from a three weeks visit with relatives and friends in Dallas.


       Deputy Fish and Game Warden Johnson of Waco was a Marlin visitor today.


       Mr. and Mrs. Joe Massie of Dallas were weekend guests of Miss Marjorie Rogers.


       Mrs. Sallie Arledge has returned to her in Crockett after a visit in Marlin.


       Edgar Otto and family of Abilene came in for a July 4 visit with Marlin relatives.


       Miss Merry Beth Eskridge was a weekend guest of Miss Edwina Manney of Waco.


       Garland Farmer and family of Henderson spent July Fourth with relatives of Durango.


       Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Gardere of Marlin have gone to California on a two weeks' vacation trip.


       Misses Jimmie and Irene Coleman returned today after a visit with friends in Port Arthur.


       B. L. McKewen and family of Goose Creek are guests in the of his father, W. M. McKewen.


       Judge J. R. Howard, former Falls county treasurer and now justice of the peace at Rosebud, was a Marlin visitor today.


       Dr. J. E. Manney and family and Mrs. W. A. Word of Waco were
guests Sunday in the of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Eskridge.


       Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Chambers and children left Saturday for Bronson, Kansas, where they will spend their vacation with Mr. Chamber's mother.


       R. D. Peterson and family have gone to Smithville on a visit with relatives and plan a trip to Monterrey, Mexico, before returning home.


       Mrs. T. T. Christian and baby returned to Houston Saturday after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Curry.  Another daughter, Mrs. G. A. Stallworth, and baby of Groesbeeck also have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Curry.

Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.