Typed and spelled as written
Lena Stone Criswell

(Note: The front page is intact.Other pages in pieces but are of the
same date as nearly as I can tell-lsc)

Thirty-First Year - Number 104
Marlin, Texas, Tuesday, September 1, 1931

Purely Personal

       T. B. Maris of Waco was a Marlin visitor today.


       Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Turner of Dallas are guests of Miss Mary Louise


       E. C. Cobb of Oklahoma City, Okla., former Marlin resident, was a visitor here today.


       Dr. H. H. Robertson and W. R. Manor left today on a weekend fishing trip to Galveston.


       Miss Mary Jane Bartlett, who has been attending Southern Methodist University at Dallas, has arrived for the summer.


       Miss Hoke arrived today from Denton, where she attended North Texas State Teachers College the past term.


       Woodie Sylvester of Lubbock, former Marlin resident, was a visitor here today.  He and family have been guests of relatives at Chilton recently.


Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by
The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.