Volume XIII         Number 47
A Weekly Newspaper for All the People
Saturday, April 16, 1932
News From Texas Towns

       Marlin.--Sunday school was well attended with Mrs. I. W. P. Huff acting as superintendent.  A number of fifth grade students were present. Mrs. I. W. Huff is teacher.  Class No. 3 accidently won the banner.  The 11 o'clock services opened with a lively prayer service after which the pastor spoke from the third chapter of John "Ye Must Be Born Again."  The evening hour was devoted to communion.  The Maids and Matron Club met with MIss A. E. Viser.  The application of Miss Thelma Nelson was received in the club.  The club will meet with Miss Baker next Wednesday.  Mrs. J. W. Smith and Rev. Sherman of Houston were visitors.  The Young Men's Advancement Club will meet with Dr. G. H. Radford Tuesday night.  John Townsend died Saturday and was buried Monday.  The district meeting of the interscholastic league was held in Waco Friday and quite a number of citizens of Marlin attended.  The Marlin school was quite victorious.  We are all looking forward to going to Prairie View.  Mrs. R. E. Hayes went to Bremond last week-end.  Miss Hazel Toland of Houston was called to the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Mattie Geralds.--Harry Nelson, Reporter.


Submitted, typed and
spelled as written by
Lena Stone Criswell