Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 15
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, June 6, 1907
By Special Correspondents.


To The Democrat:
A very enjoyable evening was spent at the of L. Reuwer Friday night.  The young people present were about fifty.  Every one was at his best and before the guests realized it, the midnight broke in upon them; so they reluctantly adjourned and went home.

       The entertainment, which was to take place at the St. Paul church, was called off on account of rain.  It was regretted by many that such action was necessary; it is hoped, however, that the unfavorable condition of the weather will not in any way hamper the merits of the to-be-rendered program.

       Scheef Bros., who have recently purchased an up-to-date thresher, are zealous of giving their new machine a fair trial.  Many of the farmers have manifested their interest by stopping and looking at the machine.  The general opinion is that the machine ought to do good work and with the effort Scheef Bros. are putting forth, this fact will no doubt be demonstrated soon.

       Frank Dyck, Sr., who recently made a trip to Taylor, states that crop conditions there are ven of a lower order than we have here.

       Rev. H. Schmaltz, wife and two of his children went to Brenham, where he delivered a sermon at Blinn college on June 2, which is an introduction to the commencement exercises that take place there this week.  Quite a number of others from Perry are also attending the exercises.

       It is strange that everybody is desiring good weather for the fourth of July; well it won't be strange at all to those who attend the picnic at Eckert's park on that day.
                                                                  T. W. H.


       The farmers are very busy as the grass and weeds are ahead of them, on account of so much rain.

       Our school closed last Friday. No exhibition on account of bad weather and illness.

       Conley Reddick and wife of Austin are visiting friends and relatives here.

       Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Adams of Ft Worth have moved to Odds where they will make their home.

       We had a good sermon last Sunday by Rev. McCain, the pastor of our church, and a very good congregation, but didn't have church Sunday night as Bro. McCain visited Rev. Andrews church at Marlin.

       F. P. Davis will be our teacher another term, which will be his third term with us, and Miss Myrtle Hair of Stranger will be our assistant teacher.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas