Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 44
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, October 23, 1907
By Special Correspondents


To The Democrat:
Preaching at Hope Sunday was well attended, this being Brother Manning's last appointment before conference.

       We had a nice shower of rain last night and our turnips are growing nicely.

       Morgan Neely has sold his farm to John Adams and Morgan is going to put up a blacksmith shop over at Teague.

       Miss King, our assistant teacher, arrived Sunday and has assumed her duties.

       T. A. Powers' family and Miss Annie Powers have returned from a visit to Ben Hur.

       Tom Rhodes and wife made a visit to Mart Saturday.

       Miss Willie Kagler is on the sick list this week.

       A. L. Coleman has been laid up several days with a bad foot, but it is hoped that his foot will heal soon.

       Joe Ferrell spent Sunday in Otto.  Come again, Joe.

       Bass Powers and Jack Martin took in the show at Waco Thursday.

       Miss Lillie Kageler spent Sunday with Miss Della Powers.

       Will Boys and family are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bryant.

       Mrs. A. L. Coleman was the guest of Mrs. Tom Hawkins on Monday.

       Miss Della Powers spent Sunday with Miss Linnie Coleman and reports a nice time.

       Everybody, come to Sunday school on Sunday at 3 o'clock.
                                                                     Billie the Kid.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas