Submitted by Robert L. Haddock



Marlin Democrat

Falls County, Texas

March 19, 1910







To The Democrat:


We are all enjoying this beautiful spring weather.


Jim Matlock and John Neely of Moody were in town one day last week.


Misses Mae and Edna Talley of Chilton visited friends and relatives Saturday night and Sunday.


The Methodist meeting is in progress now.


Dr. Martin has received his auto, which he ordered some time ago.


Mrs. Richardson, who has been very low for some time, is up again.


Mr. and Mrs. Horton Miles of Durango visited relatives last week.


Mr. Roccer is very sick at this writing. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery.


Miss Lovie Goss spent Sunday with Miss Ola Relf.


Charlie Marstaller, Bill, and Miss Ella Henkel of Dot attended preaching Sunday night.


Misses Kate Greer, Mag Kate Whitt and Will Marstaller of Dot were in town Saturday.


Walter Relf went to Durango Sunday.


John Hoffman and Tom Burks of Dot were in town Sunday.


Miss Lucy Grissom, one of our assistant teachers, has not been teaching school on account of her sister’s illness.


Mr. and Mrs. Relf spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Relf of Chilton.

