Typed as spelled and written
Lena Stone Criswell

Eighteenth Year - Number 13
Marlin, Texas, Thursday, May 23, 1907
By Special Correspondents

To The Democrat:
       The cotton on the black land is in a very bad shape.
       I learn from the Brenham Evening Press that the last and final survey will begin today (May 20) on the new railroad that is to be built from that place to Waco, which we hope will come either through our section or by Rosebud.

       John Holbrook and Miss Jessie Stallworth of Rosebud were married Sunday night.  The Lutheran minister performed the ceremony.  They ran away and were married near Salem.

       Wm Ocker of Rosebud was in Marlin last week on business.

       Rev. B. J. Patrick preached at Western church on Sneed's ranch Sunday.

       E. J. Lavender and family visited relatives on Sneed's ranch Sunday.

       The public school at this place closed last Wednesday and Miss Ada Flaniken returned to her at Oeanville.  Bell county, Thursday.

       Clint McIntyre left Saturday for Calhoun county.


To The Democrat:
Cego is still improving and the crops are fine, but we farmers have plenty to do now to kill the grass and weeds, nevertheless we have a good prospect for a crop this year.  We can hear the rattle of the binder as she handles the golden grain, which has proven to be a great deal better than expected a month ago.

       The new gin, which gave us so much trouble last session, is now, being overhauled by Mr. Cavalry, who says that he intends to make it run to perfection this incoming season.

       Mr. Porterfield of the moody community was here to look at the gin, as he contemplates building him one on his place near Moody.  His object here was to consider the gasoline engine as motive power to run his gin.

       Mrs. Whitaker is visiting her mother and relatives in Alabama and she expects to spend the summer there.

       Wash Bass of Oklahoma is spending a while with his sister, Mrs. Alice Shotwell.

       Bill Matthias of Lee county is here visiting relatives and trying to improve his health.  He states that he is improving fast.

       George Fox and Miss Lelia Bell were made man and wife.  May they enjoy the pleasure of life as they travel down life's pathway.

       Ords Bentley, who has been very ill, is able to be out again.

       Nearly every fellow and his girl took in the concert at Eddy.
                                                                            H. T. J.

Note: Ords Bentley should have been Oras Bentley-lsc


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for
printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas