The Falls County Chapter, Daughters of the Confederacy held a called meeting at the residence of Mrs. B. J. Linthicum on Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock.

The purpose of the meeting was to elect officers for the ensuing term and to transact such other business as might come before it.

The election of officers resulted as followed:

Mrs. B. J. Linthucum, President.

Mrs. W. H. Jones, Vice President

Mrs. H. G. Carter, Recording Secretary.

Mrs. J. W. Bartlett, Corresponding Secretary

Mrs. Jno. G. Oltorf, Treasurer

Mrs. W. M. Gunnell, Historian.

The subject of securing the use of the I. & G.N. lake property for camp grounds for the Confederate veterans was discussed at some length and it was decided to take the matter up with them at once.

The Chapter will meet every two weeks hereafter, the next regular meeting to be with Mrs. S. R. Oltorf. next Thursday August 14.

The Marlin Democrat, Marlin Tx, Aug. 14, 1902