Ellis County TXGenWeb - Unknown Waxahachie Couple


Unknown Waxahachie Folks

Contributed by Richard Davis
Longview, Texas


These pictures are 'Brownlows' from Ellis and/or Johnson Counties, I think. They were in my grandmother's things. Her grandfather was William J. Brownlow who moved from Giles County, Tennessee to Johnson and Ellis Counties in Texas. He is buried in Pleasant Point Cemetery near Luling, Texas. I was hoping that another descendant might recognize them.

Richard found this photo in his Dad's things after he passed away and has no idea who this couple is. Perhaps they are family or old friends. His parents first lived in the Hardeman and Wilbarger Counties area and then moved to Weatherford, Parker County, Texas.

This photo is probably tied in somehow to the Brownlow's and/or Abernathy's, but not sure. Any help on identifying them would be great.

The only tie to Ellis County is where this photo was made. If you can help indentify this couple, please contact Richard Davis.


Possibly William Joseph Brownlow 1835-1918

This photo was my grandmothers, Medwin Florrie Brunson Davis, and sat on her dresser in Chillicothe, Texas from the 1930's until atleast the 1950's. It is believed to be of a Brownlow (her grandfather was William J. Brownlow (b. 1835 Tennessee, d. 1918, Texas, buried Pleasant Point Cemetery near Lilian, Texas). It is a tin type dated around 1860's. I need help identifying this person.


This is John Levi Abernathy (1860 TN - 1948 TX, buried Rio Vista Cemetery, Johnson County, TX) and wife Susan Emma Brownlow Abernathy (1869 TN - 1955 TX). The others standing are probably their children but I am not sure. I need help identifying them.

Other related family names in that area and may be some of these people are Bass, Talbert, Peager, Richardson, Brunson, and of course Abernathy and Brownlow.

(Click on photo to enlarge.)

The Back

Aunt Emma Abernathy & Family

This is the back of the above photo. The round rubber stamp reads Seely Drug Co., Cleburne, Tex.

(Click on image to enlarge.)



Ellis County TXGenWeb
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This page last modified on 30 Apr 2013.