Ellis County TXGenWeb - Everett Family


Everett Family

Contributed by Chuck Everett
[email protected]
February 2001


Nicholson Cook Everett and his children
ca. Oct. 1889

Nick served as a Deputy Sheriff for Ellis county. The picture was taken in Ellis county right before he
headed back to Wilson county Tennessee. Nick's wife, Mattie Hancock, had just died of TB. She
died 3 days outside of Palmer going toward Tennessee. Nick and his children turned the covered
wagon around and took her body back to Palmer where she is buried. The children are:

Burkette Everett
Althea Everett (standing in the back - Never married.)
Nicky Everett (sitting: She later returned to Ellis County and lived with her uncle Dr. James L.
Everett. She was a school teacher in Ellis county in the early 1900's.)

Evelyn Everett

(married a Lovelace)


Children of Dr. James L. Everett and Sallie Hancock.
ca. 1907

Cozy Everett
LaSalle Everett
Jim Everett
Sallie Everett

18 years old
14 years old
11 years old
8 years old

From: Susie's E-Mail [email protected]
To: Barbara Knox <[email protected]>
Date: Monday, February 19, 2001 10:36 PM
Subject: Pictures


I just had to tell you. The new pictures on the website are great. I remember hearing about the Everett family when I was a kid. The Church we went to in Palmer was across the street from the old Everett Home. It was so big and tall, so many stories high, and such pretty woodwork trim on the porch. And, I remember the porch swing on the front porch. Anyway, I loved all the pictures, and I am sure everyone else will also.

Thanks for all your hard work.




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This page last modified on 20 Jan 2014.