Ellis County TXGenWeb - Bristol School Days


Bristol School Days


Bristol Seniors Class of 1919

Front Row:

Mabel Sullivan (Mrs. Claude Llewellyn)
Lucille Sullivan (Mrs. Hugo Endler)

Back Row: Bessie Williamson (#1 Mrs. Earnest Millican,
                             #2 Mrs.Jesse James)
Neva Pritchett (Mrs. Johnnie Crawley)
Lon Coker, teacher (married Irene Andrews from Bristol)
Madeline Secrest (Mrs. Walter Mullican)
Aline Sims (Mrs. Hubert "Mutt" Coker)

Photo contributed by Susie Toal, November 2000


This was taken in the "new" school lunchroom when the new school building was opened in 1940.
The new school was built as a WPA project, building being completed in 1940.

The first little girl you see in front center is Susie's sister, Louise Brazier Yates.

Photo contributed by Susie Toal, November 2000

Additional information from A.E. "Punk" Mullican, [email protected]

I was in the same grade with Louise Brazier and can name a lot of the people in that pic, but I will
have to blow it up to be able to see them better.  The boy next to Louise is Robert Williams, and
the one across from her is either Allen or Jesse Thomas Price.  I also have some more pics I will
send to you at a later date.


Bristol School House

Photo contributed by Punk Mullican - September 2001
[email protected]


Photo contributed by Marie Moore, July 2009



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This page last modified on 9 Aug 2009.