Matinburg Cemetery J

Matinburg Cemetery



Directions from Gilmer----take Hwy 271N to Bettie, turn left on FM2088, take FM2088 to FM2454, turn right, go to FM556, and turn left.  The cemetery is located behind the Mattinburg church.

Updated: March, 2009 complete with photos by Geraldine Little Braswell & Sandy Span.

Read on Mat 24, 1998 by John and Nelda Strube and submitted by the Upshur County Historical Commission.
Thanks to Carmon C. McManigell for the use of her Puckett pictures.
Thanks to Nancy Adams for sending in her pictures.

Jarrell, Woodrow Dec 3, 1932 - -
Jenkins, Annie Eugenia Efurd Oct 27, 1877 May 6, 1959 Death Certificate; Pic #2; Family Stone; W/o Rev Arthur Bruce; D/o Giles C & Elizabeth H Johns Efurd; submitted by Billy King Pilgrim
Jenkins, Rev Arthur Bruce Jun22, 1870 Mar 14, 1932 Death Certificate; Family Stone; H/o Annie Eugenia Efurd; submitted by Billy King Pilgrim
Johns, Mary 1849 1899 -
Johns, Mary Lou Simpson Dec 15, 1850 Dec 30, 1930 Death Certificate; Mother; W/o William Neal
Johns, Thomas Abner 1888 1961 Death Certificate; s/o William Neal & Mary Lou Simpson  Johns; submitted by Billy King Pilgrim
Johns, William Neal Jun 7, 1842 May 6, 1898 H/o Mary Lou Simpson; Father; submitted by Billy King Pilgrim
Jones, Delila Feb 12, 1843 Jan 18, 1871 Oldest grave in the cemetery; W/o W P Jones (buried Sand Hill Cemetery); Delila Duke, sister of Eliza Duke, who married Thomas Greenwood Moss. Her husband, W P Jones, did not remarry. I don't know where W P Jones is buried. However, he was pensioned for CSA, from Camp County.His mortuary warrant says he died 10 March 1924 in Camp county, residing with friend B F Hainey, W P Jones brother was J M Jones, 1900 and 1910 in Camp County. Can't find James Jones grave. Delila Duke married W P Jones 10 Feb 1867 in Carroll Co, GA.; submitted by Peggy Sutherlin
Jones, Louisa Gertrude Nov 20, 1916 Mar 22, 1993 Pic #2
Jones, Martha Etta Mar 10, 1894 Mar 27, 1991 Pic #2
Jones, William Franklin Sep 23, 1913 Oct 27, 1990 Pic #2

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