



Sources: Various, as noted

MARCUS, E. B. - 11 Aug 1909

Burnet Bulletin, August 20, 1909


"Oh, death, how thou dost love a shining mark."

In the years that I have been occasionly [occasionally] writing for the papers, it has many times been my sad mission to pay a tribute to some friend who had crossed the dark and mystic river [not legible] into that undiscovered country "from whose bourne no traveler ever returns." These friends have included all agesæfrom the tot just learning to prattle about its mother's kneeæto the "grand old man" who had lived out his four score years, but in no instance have I so keenly felt my inability to speak the words of praise the dead so richly deserve. When an old man, full of years, and smitten with the decrepitude they bring, goes down to the grave, the world though saddened, bows its acquiescence. But when a young man, full of the vigor of a sturdy life growing in its prime, is suddenly stricken from the number of the quick, a community is startled and resentful of the stroke, causes us to exclaim,

"Life's a funny proposition after all."
"Did you ever sit and ponder, sit and wonder, sit and think,
Why we're here and what this life is all about?"
"Life's a very funny proposition you can bet,
And no one's ever solved the problem
Properly as yet,
Young for a day, then old and gray,
Like the rose that buds and blooms,
And fades, and falls away,
Losing health to gain our wealth as thro'
This dream we tour,
Ev'ry thing's a guess, and nothing's
Absolutely sure,
Battles exciting, and fate's we're fighting
Until the curtain falls,
Life's a very funny proposition after all."

When the wires flashed the sad intelligence that "Frate" Marcus was dead, it was so unexpected, so horrible, that his friends and kindred were staggered, stunned, dumfounded. They could not believe it. But when it became fully known and realized, there fell a gloom and sadness over the little town of Bertram that she has never before known.

On Monday, August 9th, he left for Mineral Wells to undergo treatment for rheumatism, though he nor any of his family or friends dreamed of any serious trouble. His wife and little son accompanied him as far as Austin, they going on to Beaumont to visit relatives. Little did they dream that their parting upon that occasion would be their final farewell in this world. How kind it is that

"Heaven from all creatures hides the book of fate."

A friend writes me relative to his death as follows: "He arrived in Mineral Wells about 11 o'clock Tuesday, August 10th. The doctor examined him that night and began treatment. The doctor writes that he noticed some irregularity of the heart, but that he did not consider it serious. Wednesday evening about 7 o'clock he asked the nurse for a drink of water, and she gave him a drink of cool water, and he then walked around the bed and sat down on the opposite side from the nurse. The nurse saw nothing unusual in his manner and he did not seem in distress. She started to leave the room and when she reached the door looked back and he was lying across the bed. She returned to him and at first thought he was asleep, but after calling him and touching him she saw it was more serious. She at once called for a doctor, and two came, they both being in the building where he was, and they administered stimulants and did everything they could, but to no avail. His doctor pronounced his death as caused from the irregularity of the heart. He was conscious until the end and did not of course suffer in death, as it came so quickly."

And so

"Like one who wrap the drapery of his [not legible] about him and lays him down to pleasant dreams,"

did the sunny soul of that golden hearted young gentleman take its flight to that land where through valleys of perpetual spring "flows the river and song eternal."

On August 26th, 1877, ten miles east of Bertram, did he first see the light. He therefore lacked fifteen days of being thirty-two years old

"And then to die so young, and leave unfinished what he might achieve."

I cannot write in studied phrase about my young friend, but as one who knew him all the days of his life; one who loved him in the promise of his glowing youth, "standing to answer the impulse of my heart in the roll-call of his friends," and stricken with my emptiness of words, I can but tell briefly of this boy's life. "For no blaze born in all our eulogy can burn beside the sunlight of his useful life."

Well do I remember him twenty-odd years ago when I lived in Bertram: a bright, ruddy-faced school boy, always neat in his clothing, his coat buttoned up and his books in his satchel. He would daily pass my office going to and from school. At that time every child who knew me, and they all did, called me "Lum." I had no objection whatever, but this lad, the little, manly fellow that he was, always said "Mister." He was born a gentleman, and lived it all the days of his life. His mother died, when he was two years old, and his aunt, afterwards his step mother, gave him a mother' care and devotion, and he loved her as tenderly as if she had been his own mother.

He was the pride of his father, A. B. Marcus, than whom a better man never lived.

I remember he used to talk to me about his boy and ask me what would be good books for him to read. And be it said to his blessed memory, his love and devotion for his father grew stronger as the years brought him into manhood.

Some years ago misfortune and ill health overtook his father, and he carried him to Austin for treatment and after regaining his health offered to repay him. His reply was: "Papa, you don't owe me anything. I am too glad to know you have regained your health. I only feel glad that I was able to help you."

In 1806 [1906 ?] under the preaching of W. K. Homan, he joined the Christian Church and lived a consistent member of it till death. He was a liberal contributor to the church and all things charitable.

He did not finish school at Bertram, but completed a business course at Griffith's Business College, at Austin. Soon after this he went to work at the position he held at the time of his death: book-keeper and cashier for T. S. Reed & Son. Mr. D. O. Reed in writing to me about him says: "You cannot say too much about his loyalty and fidelity to his business, for a more loyal boy never lived. He was very conscientious in all his transactions, it being his most earnest desire to protect the interests of both the customer and the store, and make all transactions equitable so far as he could. When I was away from home and things were in his charge he was always at his post of duty and did what he thought I would want done in all matters coming up and I always felt perfect confidence in him and his disposition to discharge the duties of manager of the affairs of the banking and merchandising house of T. S. Reed & Son. I could mention a hundred that have come and told me that he had attended to their business for them all these many years and that nobody will miss him like they will." He made few errors in his transactionsæbut on the whole a very accurate man."

Standing by his grave, T. S. Reed, his father-in-law said to me, "Aside from his connection with our family, I had a very high regard for the boy. Dave will have a difficult time in getting some one to fill his place. He was ever at his post of duty, and as honest as Paul." Truly hath the poet said, "An honest man is the noblest work of God." Looking back at the years that have rolled by since Bertram became a town. Two boys have grown almost from infants to manhood within her borders and I can not recall in all my circle of friends and acquaintances any two young men who so young have ever reached such responsible positions in the business world as theyæwhere they "made good" and stayed good. They are Dave Reed and "Frate" Marcus.

Now the team is broken [not legible] Dave miss him? Do you think he would miss his right arm? but:

"We're born to die, but don't know why, or what it's all about, and the more we try to learn the less we know."

From the summit of Mt. Hamilton in far away California looking through the powerful Lick telescope you can:

"See worlds on worlds compose one universe,
Observe how system into system runs,
What other planets circle other suns."

And thus lost in the stupendous revelations, you can but exclaim: "There must be somewhere a great directing Mind of All," of whom we say: "He doeth all things well" with that simplicity of faith as my little girl who, seeing a "booger" in her dreams calls "mama" and hearing her voice believes "all's well," turns over and is lost in dreamland. But it's but candid to say no man can tell why it is best that a young man like this who lived in a surrounding where every prospect pleased, should be called so suddenly from his labors. For,

"While yet in love with life and raptured with the world he passed to silence and pathetic dust.  
Yet after all, it may be best, just in the happiest, sunniest hour of all the voyage, 
while eager winds are kissing every [not legible], to dash against the unseen rock, 
and in an instant hear the billows roar a sunken ship."

Friday morning's train of Aug. 13th, brought his precious remains back to the spot where nearly his entire life had been spent. Every business house in town was closed and every citizen of the town at the depot. The Masonic Order, the Knights of Pythias, and Woodmen Lodges were all out in uniform, he being a member of each order, and it is estimated that twelve or fifteen hundred people were at the cemetery, Bear Creek, coming for miles and miles around.

Dr. John W. Kern, pastor First Christian Church of Austin conducted the religious service at the grave, assisted by Rev. J. H. Stucky, pastor Christian Church at Bertram and Rev. A. S. Haygood pastor Methodist Church at Bertram. Roy Stuckey and wife, Miss Annie Savage, Miss Lula Riley, and Miss Annie Hooper sang, "Lead Kindly Light," "Abide With Me," and "Shall We Gather at the River." The service and songs were very effective.

After this the coffin's lid was removed and the relatives and a few friends were permitted to view the remains. The crowd was entirely too large for them to get near the grave. As this last look was taken, it was a sad and solemn scene and scarcely a dry eye could be seen. This over, the lid was replaced and the Masonic brethren took charge and their beautiful burial service was gone through with, after which the other lodges marched around the grave and dropped a sprig of evergreen upon the bier of their dead friend and brother. Then the grave was filled and all that was mortal of "him who sleeps well" was hidden from view forever, to slumber on till the resurrection morn.

The floral offerings by the several lodges and friends were the mot profuse and beautiful I ever saw strewn over a new made grave. And there we left him sleeping beneath a wilderness of flowers, placed there by loving hands, to each of whom he had in life extended some kindly act.

But of the tenderest, sweetest part of his life I have not yet spokenæhis married life. On Nov. 28th 1900 at her father's home in Beaumont he married Miss Birdie Reed. To them two sons have been born. The eldest, Thomas Reed, died February 10, 1905; the other, David Clark, is now about three and a half years old. If in the counting room and amongst the busy marts of men, his life was a success, it is given to his home life to complete and beautify his life to his everlasting glory. His wife I have known all the days of hr life: a sweeter, more amiable girl never lived. They were children together, played together, and a more congenial couple never took upon themselves the marriage vow. He treated his wife like she was a splendid flower, and she filled his life with perfume and with joy. I have enjoyed he hospitality of their sunny home, and whenever I went there, I always thought of the beautiful sentiment I heard Ingersoll give expression to in a lecture in Chicago years ago. He said:

"Heaven or no Heaven, Hell or no Hell, the thing for us to do is to make a little heaven around our own firesides."  
And this cozy little home approached it as near as any I ever knew.  
Beecher in his writings upon the topic 'Time Law of the Household," says:  
"There are men who smell like a May morning all through the business hours of the days  
[and] they save their ugliness for their wife and children at home."

Howard of New York, the great newspaper writer in an article years ago under the heading of "Good-Nature" amongst other things said: "It has been my good fortune in a long unbroken life of work to be thrown much in contact with men of affairs. Every Presidential candidate from the time of Buchanan and Fremont, through the storm periods of our nation's struggle, and in the happier days, when contests were ended, I have seen; I have known. Political leaders of the great parties, I have met and talked with. The leading divines, the chief orators, our best lawyers, the men who grace and others who disgrace the bench; I have seen and met in close communion, and my sober judgment is that not ten per cent of them were graced with this happy, sunshiny disposition which goes so far toward making their own lives sweet, while radiating comfort, happiness and good cheer in the circles of which they are so often the center." It is here that the subject of this imperfect sketch outshone the lives of a great multitude of our great men, in the sense greatness is reckoned. Indeed, he seemed to be a gatherer of sunbeams, his blithe spirit seemed to sing:

"Let us gather up the sunbeams
Lying all around our path;
Let us keep the wheat and roses,
Casting out the thorns and chaff."

In this sad and solemn hour I fully realize the emptiness of words to comfort that young, broken hearted wife and that little son, too young to realize his incomparable loss. God pity and keep them both. The death of no man would cause more universal sorrow in that community, and to all his kin do all classes drop a tear in his untimely taking off.

I realize that I have extended this feeble tribute to greater length than is usual, but I also realize that the passing of this young man, calls for and deserves more than a sketch like this can contain. I realize too, that I have said only that which every heart feels whose life touched hisæknowing, too, that according to the Christian's creed, no words of mine can disturb or benefit the soul of my dead friend. So worthy of emulation and example do I feel his life has been that I feel it a good guide post to point young men to that shining pathway leading up to a higher and better citizenship.

I am glad at this mid-night hour to know that while he was living I told him how proud I was of him. Let us believe, in spite of doubts and dogman and tears and fears, that some time upon that 'Beautiful Isle of Somewhere" we may meet again.

"Just as long as we love one another we'll hope for another world; 
just as long as love kisses the lips of death will we believe and hope for a future reunion."

The life of such a man will live after him and glorify his name.

"Were a star quenched on high
Forever would its light,
Still traveling downward from the sky,
Shine on our mortal sight.
So when a good man dies,
Ages beyond our ken,
The light he leaves behind him lies
Upon the paths of men."



MARTIN, M. C. - 17 Oct 1874

--from microfilmed copies of the Burnet Bulletin, available at the Herman Brown Free Library.

17 Oct 1874. We are informed by Mr. J. Clymer that a young man by the name of M. C. Martin who has been teaching school in Backbone Valley, started on a hunting expedition with Newton Smith and two men by the name of Toby, and while out, Martin was taken sick and died, it is supposed from cramp colic. Mr. Martin was a very promising young man, and his neighborhood will feel his loss sadly. He came from middle Tennessee, near Nashville.

MARX, Annie - Feb 1906

From the Burnet Bulletin, 15 Feb 1906

Mrs. Annie Marx Dead

Mrs. Annie Marx, wife of Mr. Frank Marx, died at her home in Burnet last Friday and was buried the following Saturday in the Odd Fellow's Cemetery.

Mrs Marx was the daughter of Prof. and Mrs. J.T. Motley of this section and was a conscientious Christian woman, highly regarded by a wide circle of friends and acquaintences.

To the heart-broken husband and child, the bereaved father and mother, and other mourning relatives, the bulletin extends its deepest sympathy.

McDonald, Z. - Jan 1880

--from microfilmed copies of the Burnet Bulletin, available at the Herman Brown Free Library.

29 Jan 1880. Died at his residence on the Colorado river, 13 miles west of the town of Burnet, at 4 P.M., Z. McDonald, at the advanced age of 87 years. He was a warm-hearted husband and father, and an exemplary citizen, as well as a model Christian.. He leaves a widow (formerly Mrs. Banta) aged 74, and a host of friends to mourn his loss. He was interred near his residence on the 24th instant, where he will remain in the quiet sleep of Death until criled forth in the morning of the resurrection to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled in the glorious kingdom of God. Jan. 27, 1880 G.W. Banta

McGUIRE, Mrs. W.C. - 3 Mar 1920

--from microfilmed copies of the Burnet Bulletin, available at the Herman Brown Free Library.

11 March 1920

Obituary. Mrs. W.C. McGuire passed away at the family home in Santa Rosa, California, on March 3rd. She died from an attack of paralysis, and was sick only two weeks. The three daughters who live in California were with her when the end came, but owing to the influenza raging, and the irregular train service, Mrs. John Brandon of Lampasas, another daughter, did not attempt to make the long trip. This good woman formerly lived with her family in Burnet County, and will be kindly remembered by many of our citizens, who will join the Bulletin in extending condolence to the bereaved relatives.

McKINLEY, Tolmer Spencer "Mac"- 22 Nov 1992

From the Burnet Bulletin, 3 Dec 1992

Tolmer Spencer "Mac" McKinley, died Nov. 22, 1992.

Born July 21, 1918, he was the son of Tolmer Washington McKinley and Vera Marguerite Spencer. He served as a navigator in World War II where he received numerous medals, including a Bronze Star, the Distinguished Flying Cross and a Purple Heart. He was education director at Ft. Chaffee from 1953 until the closure of the base in 1959, at which time he moved to San Antonio with his family.

Upon his retirement, he and his family moved to live on Lake LBJ in Burnet. He was an active supporter for the Hoover Valley VFD and EMS, acting as vice president of the board of directors for two years.

Funeral services were held Nov. 25 at Edgar's Funeral Home in Burnet. Interment followed at Lakeland Hills Memorial Park on Park Road 4.

Survivors include his wife Gertrude "Trudy" McKinley; three daughters, Margaret McKinley Cuny and her husband, Edward; Marcia Lynn McKinley, and Ann Kathryn McKinley; one son, Guy Tolmer McKinley and his wife Denise; and seven grandchildren.

Memorial contributions may be made to the Hoover Valley VFD and EMS Building Fund in Burnet.

MITCHELTREE, Mrs. Seleta &endash; 11 March 1934

Mrs. Seleta Mitcheltree Dead

Mrs. Seleta Mitchletree died at her home in Burnet on March 11th, 1934. Her body was interred in the Odd Fellows' Cemetery in Burnet, Bro. Lynn Nobles, pastor of the Church of Christ at this place officiating.

Miss Seleta Williams was born in Wise County, Texas, September 10th, 1851. She was at the time of her death 82 years, 6 months, and one day of age. In 1866, she was united in marriage to Mr. James Mitcheltree. To this union nine children were born, one boy and eight girls. The son, A.D. Mitcheltree of Luling, Texas and five of the daughters survive her. Her husband and three of the daughters preceeded her in death. She moved with her family to Burnet County in 1875, and has resided in this section continously since that time. Mrs. Mitcheltree obeyed the Gospel about thirty-five years ago, under the preaching of Elder R. T. Howell. She gave herself unreservedly into the hands of her Saviour, and was content to spend her declining years in humble service to Him who always leads to the pathway of righteousness.

Mrs. Mitchletree was a good woman in every sense of the word and was held in high esteem by all who knew her, and the heart-broken children and other relatives have the deepest sympathy of the entire community in their bereavement.

MOSES, Lucy A. - 22 Sept 1899

From the Burnet Bulletin, 28 Sept 1899

A Mother in Israel Dead. Last Friday noon, the beloved wife of Hon. Norton Moses passed from earth after a trying illness of weary months. Her disease was enlargement of the liver, and she had attained her 66th year on the 17th of this month. She had been in poor health ever since the burning of the Strickling homestead two or three years ago.

The writer was not well enough acquainted with Mrs. Moses to do justice to her virtues in a newspaper notice. We learn she was a member of the Methodist church, a lady of sterling good sense, and then the fact that she had the chief care and rearing of a large number of step children, with her own, all of them attaining positions of honor or prominence in life, is at once a silent but elequent tribute to her character. She and Col. Moses were married in the year 1860.

The sympathy of the entire county goes out to the devoted and venerable husband and surviving children in the affliction of their lives. Some other pen more gifted and familiar with the deceased will have to portray her as wife, mother, and friend.

The remains were taken to the family burying ground at Strickling, Rev. Sherman preaching the funeral sermon in presence of a great congregation of neighbors and friends.

[Transcriber's note: According to "Burnet County Cemetery Records, 1852-1982", Lucy A. Moses, b. 17 Sept 1833, d. 22 Sept 1899, is buried in Strickling Cemetery.]

MOSES, Norton�.July 1823-21 May 1908

From a pamphlet put out by the Office of the Grand Royal Arch chapter of Texas Masonic Lodge

It becomes my sad duty to announce that the dread summons has come to our little circle of Past Grand Officers, and has been answered and obeyed by our beloved Companion.


Who exchanged this mortal for that immortal life in a few brief moments after a stroke of paralysis at Chadvon, Nebraska, on May 21st, 1908.

He was born in Pulaski, Georgia, in July 1823. His grandfather, John Moses, was a Virginian who removed to South Georgia about 1790. His father, Neal Moses, served for a short time in the war of 1812 in a command stationed at Savannah, Georgia. In 1836 Neal Moses died, leaving a wife and six children, of whom Norton was the oldest. He was brought up by a pious mother and educated to a limited extent in the common schools of the country. After age eighteen years he taught school and assisted his mother in the education of his brothers and sisters, at the same time pursuing his own studies.

In the winter of 1845-46, with two companions, he started for Texas and landed in Galveston on January 1st, 1846. He taught school for a few years in Washington County, and visited Austin while the Legislature was in session which ratified the Articles of Annexation of Texas to the Union. In 1847 he returned to Georgia and married and with his wife returned to Texas and settled in Washington County, where he remained until 1863, when he removed to Burnet County, then on the frontier. In the old home on the Gabriel, ten miles from Burnet, the family of nine boys and three girls were raised and all but one of them are now living.

He was a member of the Fifteenth Texas Legislature in the House in 1876. He was also a member of the Twenty-first Legislature. He was one of the most vigilant painstaking and hard working members of the House, discharging his duties with conscientious faithfulness and intelligence and it is not too much to say that he had as much influence with his Colleagues, and his opinions were held in as much respect by them, as any member of the House.

He was a consistent member of the Baptist Church for more than sixty years, and for seventeen years was Moderator of the Austin Baptist Association.

His Masonic record is as follows: He was made a Master Mason in the old McLennan Lodge No. 159 in Washington, County in the latter fifties, and a Royal Arch Mason in the old Lampasas Chapter, now demissed, [demised] about 1869. He was made a Knight Templar in Colorado Commandery No. 1, and was a member of Ben Hur Temple at Austin. He served as Grand High priest of the Grand Royal Arsh Chapter of Texas in 1872æ73, and as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Texas in 1877æ78. He was a member of the Committee on Work of the Grand Chapter for about twenty-five years, and had probably traveled more miles, visited more Lodges and Chapters, and assisted in conferring the degrees upon more candidates than any other member of the Order in Texas. His pride was in the Chapter work, on which he was considered an authority. During the past forty-eight years he has been a regular attendant upon the Grand Bodies, missing but three meetings in all that period. Thus ends a busy and useful career. A life that was full of noble acts and generous deeds. A faithful friend and counselor, devoted to Masonry and its principles. One widely known as a teacher of the ritual. His inflexible integrity and honesty of purpose, combined with a kindly, genial disposition, endeared him to the hearts of all.

His remains were brought back to Texas and laid at rest beside those of his wife in the family burying ground at Strickling on June 1st. The funeral services were conducted by Robert Lee Lodge, No. 431, assisted by masons from different parts of the State.

In honor of our deceased Companion, let the symbols of mourning be displayed in all subordinate Chapters for the usual period, and this memorial be read at the first state convocation after it's receipt, and made a part of the record.

Added by Tad Moses, a grandson, August 1, 1969��..

Only one member of the Norton Moses family is now alive. This is Martin W. Moses, 3301 Lafayette, Austin, Texas. He will be 98 years old October 6, 1969.

Norton Moses married 5 times. The last names of his wives and the names of the children by each, follows:

1st. Johnson�. Son, Ealy J. Moses

2nd. Moore�.Sons, Amzy and Egbert�.daughter, Laureta Moses

3rd. Hill�.Son, Sam Moses

4th. Mrs. Abraham Binkley�.Sons, Will, Dayton, Martin and Andy Moses�.daughter, Inez Moses

Mrs. Binkley was a widow with three children�.Washington, Mary and Emma Binkley. Her maiden name was Lucy Ann Lewis. My father was Dayton Moses, Jr. but have always been called by the nickname "TAD"

5th. Crozier, a widow, after he was well past 80. She was nearly as old. They eloped to Lampasas in a buggy. His children would not let them live together.

Wife No. 4 is buried at Strickling. The first three are buried in Washington County, I think.

MURCHISON, Helen M. - 19 Feb 1931

Burnet Bulletin, 5 March 1931 (Llano News)

Another pioneer settler of Llano County passed to her reward on last Thursday February 19, at her home near Kingsland. Mrs. Helen M. Murchison was born in Missouri August 7, 1860, and was in her seventy-first year at the time of her death. She came to Texas in early childhood and was married to Louis J. Murchison in 1883. They spent their entire married life in Llano County on their ranch near Kingsland.

Mrs. Murchison is survived by her husband, Louis J. Murchison; two sons, Kinley Murchison of Kingsland and Glen Murchison of Menard; three daughters, Mrs. Wiley Conway of Jerome, Ariz., Mrs. Emma Barnett of San Antonio, and Mrs. Fred McFarland of Carlin, Nevada. One daughter died in early childhood. One sister, Mrs. Harriet Crawford of Menard also survives the deceased. All the children were present at the funeral service except Mrs. Conway and Mrs. McFarland.

The funeral service was conducted Friday afternoon by Rev. F. V. McFatridge, pastor of the Baptist church here, assisted by M. C. Barnett who had charge of the singing. The burial was under the supervision of Miles Buttery, local undertaker, and was made in the family cemetery. The pallbearers were Ed Miller, Worth Gunn, Leo Hardy, Clark Smith, V. J. Barnett and Linzey Barnett.

A large concourse of mourning friends testified to the regard and love with which the deceased was remembered by those who had known her through the years. While not a regular member of the church, Mrs. Murchison bore testimony to her faith in the Saviour and to her peace with God. Her whole life exemplified the virtues of Christianity.

The bereaved husband, children and other relatives have the deepest sympathy of their many friends in their darkest hour of sorrow and may they find comfort in the thought that all is well with the one who has been called from this life of toil and trouble.

MYNIER, Ruth (Ritchey) - 31 Jan 1920

[born 10-26-1897; died 1-31-1920]

Contributed by Michelle Cryer, copy of memorial, source unknown


An empty room-and heart-and yet how full
Are they of you since you are gone'
No trifle, small, but become a thing
For thought and love to dwell upon.

In summer'twas my heart's desire
To have one lovely fragrant bloom,
Whose warmth and color would dispel
The bleakness of cold Winter's gloom.

My dream of youth-to have you near
When hours of age crept over me,
Light of my life-my Star of Hope;
To have you love me tenderly.

Dear heart, 'tis night-my blossom, dead,
And you are vanished-who knows why !
In despairing quest I upward look --
A golden bud-a star smiles from the sky.

And thus it is, poor wounded heart of you with whom she liked her glad young life a few short moths ago. The sweet fragrance of her rose-like life still clings to the "shattered vase," but the brightness of her spirit is not a memory only, it is a sentinel, glowing inspiration to better things--to that higher plane whose upward course is paved with those rarest jewels of Christian living: Faith, Hope, and Resignation.

We who knew her well, best knew the pure gold of her splendid character; not gold refined in the crucible of sorrow and suffering, thank God; but virgin gold whose luster radiated through the lives and hearts of her loved ones.

When the Death Angel gently closed her eyes and stole her from the hitherto unbroken family circle--its sunshine went also--or seemed to. Not so; look up, sad hearts, and you, too, will see the "golden bud," the "twinkling star!"

Nearly all of the twenty-two years of our Ruth's short life was spent among us; happy years of merry, mischievous, gipsy-like childhood--on into a radiant young maidenhood which still preserved her childish faculty of viewing life as one grand holiday. This buoyancy of temperament, coupled with intense virility and wonderful physical charm, made her universally admired and beloved; hence her early demise so shortly after her marriage plunged the entire community into a grief which found significant means of expression in the closing of the school and business houses that all might join in paying loving tribute to her memory, and to those near and dear in their great bereavement.

It was altogether fitting that she should rest for a short while in the home of her good friends, Mr. and Mrs. Lamb, since she had been a member of the household after the removal of her parents to Austin--and just prior to assuming the happy honors of wifehood.

There, during the singing of hymns that she had loved, the beautiful white casket was opened, and we through falling tears looked for the last times upon her shrouded loveliness.

"An anthem for the queenliest dead
That ever died so young
A dirge for her, the doubly dead
In that she died so young."

Rev. George Smith, pastor of the Methodist church, of which she was a member, conducted the service in a beautiful way, conveying in well chosen words comfort and sympathy to those bereft. There is no more enviable attribute of a man of God than the divinely given faculty of assuaging sorrow and salving the wounds of the spirit. Rev. Harris, of Lampasas, who assisted, was eloquent and uplifting in his remarks, which he closed with the reading of an exquisite poem most pertinent in its application.

After the house services the unusually long cortege climbed the hill to our quiet city of the dead, where in a tomb exquisitely prepared by loving hands of faithful friends, surrounded by those who loved and mourned her, the frail tabernacle which had held her valiant spirit was laid to its eternal rest.

Beautiful floral offerings came from many places: from Lampasas Clubs and individuals, magnificent pieces from the University, the Department of Education, of which Prof. Richey is a member, the Railroad office at Ranger, where Mr. Mynier has employment, besides beautiful local contributions. The mound was literally covered and banked with this wealth of choicest flowers, tenderly placed thereon by the girl members of her church, assisted by the writer, her friend and teacher, who, as she placed a lovely white cross above the pulseless heart felt the blessed significance of the symbol of promise--"He died that we might live," and so wonderfully expressed by Charles Wesley:

"Soar we now where Christ hath led,
Following our exalted Head.
Made like Him - like Him we rise;Ours the cross, the grave, the skies."

--- Mrs. Jackson

NEELY, J.F. - 24 Jan 1920


Father of Waco Man Goes to His Reward &emdash; Lived Long and Useful Life.

J. F. Neely, aged 79 years, died at Bertram, Texas, on Saturday, January 24, after a prolonged illness. The funeral occurred Monday, January 26, with interment at the Strickland cemetery, Rev. Brodous, pastor of the Baptist church officiating. One of the largest gatherings ever attending a funeral at the little cemetery, was present and sorrowed with bereaved relatives.

In the passing of J. F. Neely, another of those rugged pioneers who helped to blaze the way to the splendid country of churches and schools we now enjoy. For full two score years this good man had dwelt among the people where he passed away, following farming all the years. He was among those who always used his best efforts for the right and was ever ready to fight the wrong. He was a consistent member of the Christian church for many years. His wife preceded him to the grave several years ago, but surviving are the following children: A. L. Neely of Waco, J. W. and Miss Leona of Bertram, and F. B. of Barnett.

A. L. Neely of Waco, who has been at the bedside of his father for several weeks, has returned home and friends here [not legible] sympathize with him in his bereavement.

NEWTON, Dr. George Anderson

Transcribed by JM, From the Burnet Bulletin, 22 Feb 1951

Dr. George Anderson Newton, Dies at Bertram

Dr. George Anderson Newton, a lifetime resident of Bertram, was called by death at the Bertram Hospital, February 17, 1951. Funeral services were held at the Bertram Methodist Church under the direction of the Edgar Funeral Home, with Reverends John Weston, O.H. Gibson, and J.P. Manley in charge. Graveside Services were conducted by the Masonic lodge and pallbearers were: W.D. Ruble, T.D. Tanksley, Honnie Huggins, B.F. Warden, Jr., C.L. Breazeale, and Fritz Bostic.

Mr. Newton was born at Bertram, July 26, 1874. He was a member of the Methodist Church and Masonic Lodge.

Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. W.L. Reevers, Dallas; Mrs. F.R. Woodress, Eden; Mrs. Carrol Whitted, Marble Falls; two sons, H.H. Newton and Homan Y. Newton, both of Bertram; a sister, Miss Nora Ellen Newton, Bertram, four grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren.

NEWTON, Mellie Watkins

Transcribed by JM, from the Bertram Enterprise, Thursday, Aug. 24, 1944

Mrs. Geo. A. Newton Died Sunday Evening, August 20

Mrs. Mellie Watkins Newton, beloved wife of Dr. Geo. A. Newton, died at about 8:00 o'clock Sunday evening, August 20th, 1944, at her home in Bertram, after a long illness.

Mrs. Newton was born in Kentucky on February 23rd, 1879. She was first united in marriage to Mr. Richardson. To this union one daughter was born, Mrs. Robert Perkins of Ashland, Kentucky. Mr. Richardson preceded her in death a number of years ago. She was united in marriage to Dr. Geo. A. Newton on February 12th, 1933 at Dallas. They moved to West and resided there several months, and moved to Bertram in 1934. Mrs. Newton was a member of the Bertram Methodist church and lived a consecrated Christian life. For several years she had been in failing health and unable to attend church. Mrs. Newton was a fine lady and held in high esteem by all who knew her. Mrs. Newton is survived by her husband and daughter, Mrs. Robert Perkins of Ashland, Kentucky, and one grandson, Bazil Perkins, who is in the U.S. Army; two sisters and one brother.

A short service was held at 5 o'clock Monday evening, August 21st at the family home by her pastor, Rev. Robt. H. James, assisted by Rev. W. R. Harber, pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The body was sent by train to Streator, Illinois, where it was interred Thursday, August 24th. Dr. Newton and his son, Homan, accompanied the body to Streador, Illinois.

NORRED, James W. - 2 Oct 1898

--From microfilmed copies of Burnet Bulletin, available from the Herman Brown Free Library

20 Oct 1898. We regret to learn of the death on the 2nd instant in North Dakota, of James W. Norred, from typhoid fever. He was the son of our esteemed fellow citizen, J. O. Norred. He left a wife and 4 children.


- from 1898 Oct. 2, Dickinson, ND, Dickinson Press


James W. Norred died of typhoid fever at the Cook County Hospital, Chicago, on October 2. Mr. Norred went to Chicago with cattle and was sick but a few days before the sad news of his death was telegraphed to his folks in Dickinson. Had he lived until December 2 next he would have been 35 years of age.

The body was forwarded to this place Wednesday morning and services were conducted at 10 o'clock from the Presbyterian church, Rev. Charles L. Morehouse, pastor of the Methodist church, afficiating.

Mr. and Mrs. Norred came to Dickinson from Texas seven or eight years ago, and for the past few years have had a ranch northwest of town, where Mr. Norred kept stock of his own and also for W.L. Richards. Mr. Norred was a man in good standing and a hard worker. He leaves a wife and four children and has two brothers in this country. The bereaved ones including the mother, have the symphony of this community. Deceased was a member of the Dickinson Foresters, Camp No. 900.



I wish to publicly thank the people for their many acts of kindness during my hours of deep sorrow.

Mrs. J. W. Norred



1900 Texas, Burnet County Census

Norred, Mattie b. Oct 1873, age 26, widow, m. 6yrs, b. TX, father b. IL, mother b. IL

Norred, James b. Nov 1893, age 6, b. North Dakota, father b. TX

Norred, Mabel b. Jul 1895, age 4, b. ND, father b. TX, mother b. TX

Norred, Edna b. Mar 1897, age 3, b. ND

Norred, Fannie b. Sep 1897 (1898), age 2, b. ND

NORRED, J. O. &endash; Dec 1908

1908 Texas, Burnet County

December 19, 1908 Burnet Bulletin


J.O. Norred, one of the early settlers of Burnet county, died in Burnet last Saturday evening and was buried Monday in the family cemetery near his home on Hairston.

Mr. Norred came to town from his home Saturday morning on horse-back, feeling about as usual. Near one o'clock he was stricken with paralysis of the heart and died about six o'clock the same afternoon.

Mr. Norred had been a resident of Burnet county for more than a half century. Before a majority of the readers of this paper were born he was an Indian fighter and made a good record.

He was a good neighbor, and upright citizen and a christian gentleman. Mr. Norred was the last man alive who served on the plains with Gen. Johnson before the War. He leaves a wife, a number of children and a host of other relatives and friends to mourn his death.

The Bulletin requests some one familiar with his life to write and obituary for publication."

O'HAIR, Judge Wm. &endash; 3 Sept 1906 [photo here]

From the Burnet Bulletin 20 Sept 1906


Died Monday night, September 3rd, 1906, at the residence of J. H. H. Berry, in Lampasas, Judge Wm. O'Hair, one of the most prominent citizens of this section.

The deceased was born January 1821, in Floyd County, Kentucky. Thus you see he passed, by fifteen long weary winters, the biblical limit of three-score years and ten.

In the year 1822, his father moved to Edgar County, Illinois, where the subject of this sketch was raised. When seventeen or eighteen years of age he began to teach school, in Edgar County, Illinois, afterward in Moltre and other counties.

In 1840, when the Republic of Texas was attracting so much attention throughout the world, young O'Hair, at the age of nineteen, bade farewell to the broad prairies of Illinois, and came South to Texas, as at this time "Southward the course of Empire made its way."

Locating in Smith County, he began teaching again. In 1841 or 1842, he married Miss Annie Carson, daughter of a Mr. Larkin, at that time a prominent man of East Texas. From this union, four children were born&emdash;three girls and one boy, all of whom have long since crossed over to that other shore.

His former wife having died many years prior, in 1850 he was united in marriage to Miss Anos Wolf, daughter of Joseph and Anteline Wolf, who survives him, as does his only sister, Aunt Clarissa Wolf. He leaves seven children, whose names are as follows: Mrs. John Hutto, Mrs. J. H. H. Berry, Mrs. Nicks, and Messrs. Rolla, Joe, H. J. and Tom O'Hair.

December 22nd, 1855, deceased moved to Burnet County, locating near Dobyville. Moved to Naruna some eight years ago, where he lived up to the time of his death.

Wm. O'Hair held official position in this county more than twenty-one years, having held the offices of Judge, Treasurer and Assessor.

He retired from public life on account of his hearing. Thus ends the active career of a remarkable man, remarkable in this, that during that long eventful life he was never known to do anything unbecoming a true gentleman.

Though reared in the state of Lincoln's nativity, he believed in secession as an inalienable right of the state. Though never an active participant in that great memorable struggle which set the Africans free, he fought the battles of every day life with a courage, unsurpassed by those who fell in battle's stern array and verified the truth of the statement that "He that ruleth his own spirit, is greater than he that taketh a city."

He stood high in the Masonic fraternity, with whose ritual he was buried. An active member of the Christian Church always living that each day might find him farther on the way.

An obedient and dutiful son, a kind and loving husband, and a devoted and self sacrificing father, withal: "His life was gentle, and the elements so mixed in him that nature might stand up and say to all the world, 'This was a man.'" A strict adherent of truth is gone! Sleep father, sleep; God's eternal years are yours.

"Rest on, embalmed and sainted dead,
Dear as the blood ye gave;
No impious footstep here shall tread
The herbage of your grave.
Nor shall your glory be forgot
While fame her record keeps,
And honor points the hallowed spot
Where Valor proudly sleeps
Nor wreck, nor change, nor winter's blight,
Nor Time's [unreadable word] doom,
Shall dim one ray of Glory's light
That gilds your deathless tomb."

Naruna, Sept 16, 1906

PANKEY, J.B. - 17 Feb 1906

From the Burnet Bulletin, 22 Feb 1906

J.B. Pankey Dead

J.B. Pankey, one of the landmarks of burnet County, died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Dodd, in the Spring Creek community, last Saturday evening, February 17th 1906, and was buried the following Sunday in the Bluffton cemetery.

The life of "Uncle John" Pankey, almost since the days of the Civil War, in a battle of which contest he lost a leg while gallantly serving the Confederacy, has been closely identified with the history of Burnet County. He has held a number of positions of public trust, among which was that of County Tax Assessor. by the conscientious discharge of every duty entrusted to him, he was deservedly considered by everyone a man of sterling character and strong principles for the right.

He was truly a good man and his relatives should cherish his memory.

The Bulletin extends condolence to the bereaved relatives.

PANKEY, Scott--4 Nov 1905

From the Burnet Bulletin, 16 Nov 1905

Scott Pankey Dead. A letter to the Bulletin from J.D. Rountree at Corona N.M. dated Nov. 5, states that Mr. Scott Pankey died at that place the night before. Mr. Pankey was a former citizen of Burnet County and will be remembered by the older settlers.

PHILLIPS, J.M. - 17 Dec 1881

The Burnet Bulletin, 10 Jan 1882

We were surprised and saddened to learn from his son last Tuesday, of the death of the venerable J.M. Phillips of Sage, which sad event occurred on the 17th of December last. His disease was something like diabetes, and he had attained his 71st year. Mr. Phillips was a good man and a respected citizen. His son, Mr. J.N. Phillips, had just returned from a trip to Arkansas, and arrived home only in time to follow his old father to his final resting place on earth. Peace to his memory.

POSEY, John Wesley - June 14, 1910

Austin Daily Statesman June 14, 1910


John Wesley Posey, one of the pioneers of Texas, died last night at 8:35 at his home at 107 Easts Ninth Street from a stroke of appoplexy from which he never rallied. He was stricken about 11 o'clock Wednesday night while sitting on the back gallery of his home and never from that moment regained consciousness.

Mr. Posey was born in Evansville, Indiana, August 8, 1847. He came to (Burnet) Texas in 1855 and to Austin in 1890. He was married September 1, 1869 to Miss Ollie E. Sampson of Burnet, Texas. He is survived by his wife and eight children, Miss Lenora, Miss Lillie, Miss Leona, Mrs. A.J. Miller of Wichita Falls, F.W. and S.J. Posey of Austin, A.J. Posey of Huntsville, and B.H. Posey of Houston. All of the family were notified of his condition and reached the bedside before the end came.

The deceased had been employed as bookkeeper for several years with the Tips Foundry and Machine Company. He was passionately fond of little children and was a familiar figure on the streets with several of the little tots trailing at his heels.

PRENTIS, O. B. &endash; 24 June 1879

The Burnet Bulletin, July 1, 1879

O. B. Prentiss Died

On Tuesday morning last 24th of June, at his home near Strickling, Mr. O. B. Prentice passed away. He has been a resident of our county a number of years and was quite aged. His death was very sudden, only being sick for a few hours. He was very weak, caused by being so old. He was burried the next day, and his remains were followed to the grave by a number of relatives and friends.


The Burnet Bulletin, Feb. 6, 1908

Mrs. Prentiss Dead

Mrs. Prentiss, an old resident of the county, recently died at the home of her daughter Mrs Henry Johnson. Mrs. Prentiss was 90 years old. The Bulletin requests some one to furnish it an obituary for publication.

PULLEN, Mrs. Joseph - 9 Aug 1879

The Burnet Bulletin, 12 Aug 1879

We learn this morning (Saturday 9th) of the death of Mrs. Joseph Pullen, which occurred at 1 o'clock a.m. Mrs. Pullen had just returned from Llano county, and was enjoying better health than she had enjoyed, for the last ten years. While in Llano, she complained of a small sore on her cheek; her husband opened it, believing the sore to be a boil. No relief was obtained, but the place grew larger, and soon a case of erysipelas was developed. The disease penetrated to the brain, causing instant death. Mrs. Pullen leaves a husband, five children and a host of friends to mourn her death. She was a lady highly esteemed and well beloved by all.

REED, Mrs. Walter L. Reed - 30 Mar 1953

submitted by "Shay Hillman" <[email protected]>, May 2002, Source Unknown

Mrs. Walter L. Reed Died Monday, March 30th at Levelland

Mrs. Walter L. Reed passed away at 8:30 Monday night, March 30th (1953) at her home in Levelland, after a long illness. Mrs. Reed, (nee Miss Emma Jewel Cole) was born and reared at Bertram, and was the daughter of Mrs. R. S. Cole. She was a member of the Baptist Church.

Funeral Services were held at 2:00 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the First Baptist Church in Bertram with the Rev. J.H. Wright of Levelland and the Rev. Bill Merritt officiating. Pall bearers were Lee Farmer, O.W. Marcom, O.R. Watkins, David Williams, Walter Ruble, and W.C. Blankenship. Burial was in the Capital Memorial Cemetery near Austin under the direction of the Edgar Funeral Home.

Survivors include her husband, Walter L. Reed, a son, Walter L. Reed, Jr. of Levelland, her mother, Mrs. R.S. Cole of Bertram; two brothers, W.B. Cole of Bertram and Chester Cole of Houston, and a sister, Mrs. Edwin Gage of Royce City. A more extended obituary will be published next week.


From another newspaper clipping, source and date unknown (written by N. Oliver Cox, Editor)

Mrs. Walter L. Reed Buried in Capital Memorial Garden

On Monday night, March 30th (1953), our hearts were made heavy with the news announcing the death of Mrs. Walter L. Reed of Levelland. Words cannot express the dark shadow of gloom cast over the entire community, and today we tarry beneath the shades of sorrow and grief to pay the last tribute of respect to our dear friend and loved one.

Mrs. Reed, (nee Miss Emma Jewel Cole) was born January 11th, 1910 at Bertram. She was converted early in life and continued in Christian services until ill health made such services impossible. A graduate of Bertram High School, she attended Mary Hardin Baylor College at Belton and Southwest Texas State Teachers College at San Marcos. After receiving a certificate, she taught school for several years. Mrs. Reed served as an active member of the P.T.A., as well as other community activities. She was married to Walter L. Reed on December 28, 1933 in Georgetown, Texas. She leaves her husband and one son, "Scooter," of Levelland; her mother, Mrs. R.S. Cole of Bertram; one sister, Mrs. Edwin Gage of Royce City, and two brothers, W.B. Cole of Bertram and C.S. Cole of Houston.

The thread of her valuable life has been broken and her lovable character and smiling face has passed from our range of vision, her spirit has winged its flight to the merciful keeping of our Father who gave it. Today, as we sorrow, we must remember that she is wearing a crown of glory that fadeth not away, in that bright mansion above whose builder and maker is God.

Funeral services were conducted by her pastor, Rev. J.H. Wright, assisted by Rev. Bill Merritt, in the First Baptist Church in Bertram, and completed in the Capital Memorial Gardens near Austin under the direction of the Edgar Funeral Home. Pall bearers were Lee Farmer, O.W. Marcom, A.R. Watkins, David Williams, Walter Ruble, and Wayne Bonner.

The profusion of beautiful flowers was evidence of the love held for her and her family. Out of town people who were here to attend the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. C.S. Cole, and Mrs. Homer Lambert of Houston; Mr. and Mrs. Selman Phillips, Mrs. Earl Williams, Mrs. Archie Broome, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. R. Reed, Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Inmann, Mrs. Buck Schooley, Mrs. Nelda Wooten, Mrs. E. D. Wooten, Mrs. Ewell Hunt, Mrs. Geo. Rhemann, Mr. and Mrs. O.B. Barrett, Mrs. Martha Champion, Mrs. Ollie Goodson, Mrs. T.O. Morris, Mrs. Mary Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. Welbern Dunlap, Mrs. George Turney, Mrs. Paul E. Spruiel, Mr. and Mrs. C.E. McMordie, Mrs. Julian Freemen, Mrs. George Garner and Mrs. Jessie Beaver, all of Austin; Mrs. L.A. Dunlap, Mrs. Clifton Dunlap, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dunlap, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Dunlap, Miss Venice Dunlap, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Davis, Mr. and Mrs. B.C. Wommack and Rev. and Mrs. Charles Hager, all of Andice; Mr. and Mrs. O.W. Marcom, Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Wright, and O.R. Watkins of Levelland; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Reed of Corpus Christi, Mr. and Mrs. E.O. Williams of Dallas, Mrs. Barto Arnold of San Antonio, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mitt_(?) of San Marcos, Mr. and Mrs. Hershall Stockeon of San Angelo, Rev. and Mrs. Q.C. Dietering of Waco, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bonner of Big Spring, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Perkins of Lampasas, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Farmer of Lubbock, Mrs. Dwight Campbell of Crowell, Dr. and Mrs. Lowell Campbell of Fort Worth, and perhaps others.

RICHEY, Professor Robert James - June 14, 1920

Contributed by Janet Crain, 19 Jul 2001; source not given


Robert James Richey, Graduate of Washington and Lee, Gone to His Reward

The State Department of Education was closed today in respect to Professor Robert James Richey, secretary of the State board of examiners, whose death occurred this morning after an illness of several months' duration.

Professor Richey came to Austin about two years ago from Burnet as an appointee of Miss Annie Webb Blanton, State Superintendent of Public Instruction. He was considered one of the most prominent educators of the State, and for fifteen years was principal of the Robert E. Lee High School of Burnet. He was born in Tennessee in 1850, and was a graduate from the Washington and Lee University, Virginia, in 1872. He was a linguist of note, speaking five languages with fluency. He was an honor student at Washington and Lee, and had among his treasured possessions, a letter of commendation for his scholarship written by the great Robert E. Lee, himself, president of the university. Professor Richey, was one of the pallbearers at the funeral of General Lee.

The family of Professor Richey consisted of eight children, all of whom survive him, but one daughter, Mrs. Ruth Mynear of Ranger, whose death occurred only a few months ago.

Two of his sons were with the A. E. F., Tom Richey, and Harvey.

The family surviving are: Mrs. Richey, McMurray Richey, who is mayor of Benito, Lee Richey of El Paso, Tom Richey of Lampasas, Harvey, Mrs. Roberta Reynolds, Miss Annie, Maude and Ben Bolt, who is attending the Austin High School. He also had five grandchildren, the eldest 10 years old.

The funeral will be held in Burnet Tuesday. The family, friends and pall- bearers will leave on the 7 o'clock train Tuesday for Burnet, returning the same evening.

Brief services will be held this afternoon at 5 o'clock at Weed's Chapel for the family and close friends.

RILEY, Alva Lee Schooley - 6 Aug 2001

From The Citizen's Gazette, 8 Aug 2001

Alva Lee Schooley Riley, 86, died Monday, August 6, 2001. Visitation will be held today from 6-8 p.m. at Clements-Wilcox funeral Chapel in Burnet. Funeral services will be held tomorrow, 10 a.m. at the Clements-Wilcox funeral Chapel in Burnet with Rev. Jim Owens officiating. Burial will follow at Bethel Cemetery, near Burnet, under the direction of Clements-Wilcox Funeral Home of Burnet.

Pallbearers will be grandsons, Frank Creasey Jr., C. D. Riley, Kevin Riley, Kenny Riley, Clay Williams and friend Daryl Hinds. Honorary pallbearers will be Melvin Riley, Bill Crow, Tom Crow and Justin Crow.

A native of Bethel Community in Burnet County, she was born December 12, 1914, the daughter of Ben Lee and Letha McCoy Schooley. She was born in the log house of her great grandparents, Hugh and Harriet Farquhar McCoy. She was descended from several pioneer families who came to Texas as early as 1830. As a child she lived at Barton Spring in Austin where her father farmed the land for Mr. Zilker before it became Zilker Park. She enjoyed sewing and reading history, and was a gentle, Christian person with a remarkable memory. She helped her husband, Homan Riley, in his auto business in Burnet for many years.

Survivors include three daughters, Millie Williams, Dot Creasey and Ruth Warwick, all of Burnet; three sons and two daughters-in-law, Bobby and Cheryl Riley, Joe Riley and Jim and Renita Riley; son-in-law, Ed Crow; 22 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren; sister, Geraldine Hall; two brothers and sisters-in-law, Raleigh and Doris Schooley and LaVon and Mildred Schooley; five sisters-in-law, Vivian Schooley, Billie Brizendine, Mickey Munoz, Myrtle Riley and Dottie Riley; and numerous other relatives. She was preceded in death by her husband, Homan Riley; two daughters, Joyce Ann Riley and Mary Katherine Crow; three sons-in-law, Frank Creasey Sr., Wayne Williams, and James Warwick; two sisters, Louise Hall and Bennie Lee Grant; and two brothers, Clyde Schooley and Jack Schooley.

RILEY, James Kyle -- 11 June 1993

Burnet Bulletin, 24 June 1993

James Kyle Riley, 78, Marble Falls, died June 11. Memorial services were June 16, in Forest Park Westheimer Chapel, Houston. Services were under the direction of Clements-Wilcox Funeral Home.

Born Sept. 9, 1915, in Mathis, he was the son of James K. Riley and Myrtle Best. He was a geophysicist most of his career and was a member of the Church of Christ.

Survivors include his wife Virginia Kendrick Riley, Marble Falls; two daughters, Jennifer Taylor, Blanco, and Virginia Sexton, League City; one brother, Nathan Riley, San Antonio; two sisters, Katherine Waters, Eureka, and Paula Teat, Bay City; five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

ROBINSON, Zina Mrs. - 18 Sept 1924

Submitted by Gerald D. Watkins

From The Lampasas Leader, September 19, 1924

Dies Suddenly.

Mrs. Zina Robinson died suddenly Thursday morning at 10 o'clock at the home of her sister, Mrs. H.M. Murphy. She had not been feeling well for several days, but had not been sick enough to go to bed, and was looking after some of the household duties when she was stricken with death. She was bending over a trunk looking for some article of clothing and felt herself giving way to a fainting spell and called to Mrs. Murphy. Before Mr. Murphy could reach her she had fallen on the floor, and expired in a few minutes. Had she lived until the second day of February she would have been eighty-three years old.

The Deceased came to Lampasas with her sister, Mrs. Murphy, about a year ago, and previous to that time lived in Burnet county, near Bertram, for fifty years or more. She had no children of her own, but had reared one child, who is now married and lives in Houston, but it is not known at this time whether she can reach here in time for the funeral or not. The funeral procession will leave the home of Mr. and Mrs. Murphy Friday at 1 o'clock, and interment will be made in Shady Grove cemetery in Burnet county. The deceased was a member of the Methodist church and had lived a useful life.

ROSS, Arthur - 1939

submitted by "Shay Hillman" <[email protected]>, May 2002, Date and Source Unknown

[Note from Shay Hillman: Arthur Ross was born in Bertram. but later moved. He is the brother of Walter Ross. I have since learned that Ulysses Henry Ross and Sarah Catherine had 6 sons all born in Bertram--Walter, Arthur, Luther, Edgar, Oscar, and Aylmer. Unfortunately, the obit does not include the death date or the year. I have calculated that he would have died in 1938-1939. The article makes it sound like he died either January or February 1939, but I cannot assume that.]

Funeral Services Held Friday for Arthur Ross

Arthur Ross, a retired railroad man, died at the home of his son, H.D. [of] Dumas, Wednesday morning at 10:30. Mr. Ross, who was 71 years of age at the time of his death, had a stroke at 2:00 o'clock, Wednesday morning. Prior to that time, he had never been ill in his life.

His wife, Nola Jane Ross, died in Amarillo. Mr. Ross is survived by two sons, Charles Ray Ross of Los Angeles, California, and H.D. Ross of Dumas. He is also survived by four brothers: Walter Ross, Oscar Ross, Aylmer Ross of Bertram and Edgar Ross of Lometa.

Mr. Ross had been a resident of Dumas for about nine months, coming here from Amarillo. He was a member of the Methodist Church in Amarillo.

Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 2:30 at the Methodist Church in Dumas, with Rev. Phil H. Gates officiating.--The Moore County News, Dumas Texas.

Editor's Note: Arthur Ross was well known by the old timers in this section, and many of the citizens met him last year when he visited his brothers here. Mr. Ross was born March 11th, 1867 (in Bertram), and would have been 72 years of age in March. The Enterprise joins the many friends of the bereaved brothers in extending condolence at this sad hour.

ROSS, Jesse A. - 30 March 2002

submitted by "Shay Hillman" <[email protected]>, May 2002, Source Unknown

Jesse A. Ross was born July 28, 1927 in Bertram, Texas to Samuel Carlos Ross and Carroll Gaynelle Wilson Ross. He married Martha Agnes Schumacher in 1977 in Midland, Texas. Mr. Ross served in the U.S. Navy in 1946 and was a retired cargo inspector for American Petrofina.

Survivors include his wife, Martha Schumacher Ross of Midland; children, Carlos Ross and his wife bof Las Vegas, Nevada, Vicki Wood of Odessa, Mary Fields and her husband Tom of Germany, Jim Hillman and his wife, Sherry of Midland, Marilyn Davidson of Plantation, Florida, Margaret Gafford and her husband Dan, of Lubbock, Doug Hillman and his wife Charlsa, of Midland, Carol Routh and her husband Toby of Las Vegas, John (Gator) Hillman and his wife Theresa, of Midland, Don Hillman and his wife Shay, of San Angelo; 27 grandchildren, and 11 great-grandchildren.

Mr. Ross passed away Saturday, March 30, 2002 in a Midland hospital. Services are scheduled for 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 2, 2002 in Resthaven Memorial Park. Arrangements are under the direction of Ellis Funeral Home.

ROSS, John A - 7 Apr 1917

Author: Doris Johnston
Date: 16 Nov 1998 12:00 PM GMT

This was my great-grandfather's Obit. When John A. Ross died on April 7, 1917, the Burnet Bulletin carried the following obituary:


Mr. John Ross, an old citizen of this place, died Saturday, April7th. His body was interred Sunday in the Old Cemetery, Rev. J. A. Pledger conducting the services at the house and J. H. Stapp concluding same at the cemetery. A large concourse of friends and relatives attended the funeral. He leaves a wife and two children, besides other relatives and numerous friends to mourn his death. His children are Will Ross of this place, and Mrs. Katie Stevens of Denton.

The following veterans acted as pall-bearers: D. T. Mann, Jno.L. Stewart, J. C. King, Jas. A. Stevens, and A. J. Lackey, Ex-U.S.regular.

Mr. Ross was 76 years old at the time of his death. He came to Burnet 43 years ago and had been a citizen of this county a great deal of the time since.

He was a gallant Confederate veteran. During the Civil War he was engaged in forty-seven battles and skirmishes. The more important battles were Jackson, Shiloh, Chickamauga and Franklin. In all of this fighting he proved a splendid soldier and could be depended upon to do his duty.

There was no better citizens than Mr. Ross. He was a kind and loving father, a genial and obliging neighbor and a true Christian gentleman, having been a member of the Methodist Church for thirty years. He was universally liked and respected, and he will be missed by his many friends.

The Bulletin joins the people of this community in extending sympathy to the sorrowing relatives.

ROSS, Martha Frances (Daugherty) - 15 Aug 1918

Author: Doris Johnston
Date: 16 Nov 1998 12:00 PM GMT

I don't have the publication date on this Burnet Bulletin obituary of my gr-grandmother.

Martha Frances (Daugherty) "Fannie" Ross died August 15, 1918, Burnet. after an illness of "several months," according to her obituary in the Burnet Bulletin. The certificate of physician, J. L. Williamson, attached to her Confederate widow's pension's Application for Mortuary Warrant, stated his opinion that her illness was caused by cancer. J. H. Stapp signed as undertaker. He was paid $30.


After an illness of several months duration, Mrs. John A. Ross died last Wedneday morning at the home of her son, Will Ross. Her body was interred that same afternoon in the Old Cemetery. Although sick a long time, she bore her suffering with fortitude and Christian resignation. Her son, other relatives and friends, did all they could to make her last days as comfortable as possible. She was a good woman, a fond mother and a kind neighbor. The Bulletin joins in extending sympathy to the bereaved relatives.

ROSS, Mrs. Sarah C. - 7 April 1929

submitted by "Shay Hillman" <[email protected]>, May 2002, Source: Bertram Enterprise, Date Unknown

Mrs. Sarah C. Ross Died Sunday Evening: Buried at Bertram

Mrs. Sarah C. Ross died Sunday evening, April 7th (1929) at the home of her son, Mr. Edgar Ross in Lometa after a long illness. She had been in failing health for the past few months, and due to her age, nothing could be done for her.

Funeral services were conducted Monday afternoon at the South Gabriel Cemetery by Rev. L.C. Matthis, pastor of the First Methodist Church of Bertram. A large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends attended the services.

Mrs. Sarah C. Pugh Ross was born June 30th 1836 in Tennessee. She was united in marriage to Mr. U. H. Ross on September 18th 1862 and to this union seven children were born, five of whom are now living. Mary Ophelia Ross died September 13th 1869, and Luther Ross died February 13th 1918. Mr. and Mrs. Ross moved to Texas and settled in Fannin County, and in 1892 they moved to Burnet County. Mrs. Ross lived at Bertram and in Burnet County for about thirty-seven years.

Grandma Ross, as she was affectionately called by everyone who knew her, was a typical Southern lady, and was held in high esteem by all her acquaintances. She was converted about 40 years ago and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and lived a consecrated Christian life. For several years she had been making her home with her children, spending a great deal of time in Lometa. She often visited in Bertram, and her many friends were always glad to see her. Last year Grandma Ross and Grandma Williams of Mahomet, both old pioneers of Burnet County and both having passed the 90th mile post in life, attended the Burnet County Fair and enjoyed a long talk together. They were both well and hearty then, but now they have both passed on to their reward.

Deceased is survived by five sons, Walter Ross of Bertram, Arthur Ross of Amarillo, Edgar Ross of Lometa, Oscar Ross and Aylmer Ross of Bertram. At the time of her death she was 92 years, 9 months, and 7 days of age.

The Enterprise joins the many friends of the family in extending condolence.



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