Act to charter the Stones River
and Statesville Turnpike Company
submitted by Harvey L. Bottoms
An Act to charter the Stones River and
Statesville Turnpike Company
Incorporation Section
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee,
That B. Hurt, and E. Hamilton of Davidson county; and Isaac
Rutland, Andrew Baird, John E. Baker, Thomas Kirkpatrick, Andrew
Gwinn, Joseph Walker, A Simmons, J. Williams, J. H. Kennedy,
Anthony Owen, James M. Armstrong, Uriah Jennings, Thomas H.
Knight, Paschal Bottoms, Thomas Word, W. W. Huddleston, Jeremiah
Cason, Edmond Gilliam, William Arbuckle, J. B. David, John Word,
G. A. Huddleston, Daniel Richmond, Asaph Alsey, Sr., William F.
Rich, William Woodrum, J. W. Marshall, William Thompson, J. M.
Alexander and Samuel T. Williams, of the county of Wilson; be and
they are hereby incorporated, for the purpose of constructing a
turnpike road from Stewart's ferry in Davidson county to
Statesville in Wilson county, under the name and style of the
Stone's River and Statesville Turnpike Company, to exist as a
body politic and corporate for the term of ninety-nine years.
Capital Stock.
Section 2.
Be it enacted. That the persons mentioned in the first section of
this act, or any five of them be, and they are hereby authorized
to open books for the subscription of stock to build said road,
in shares of fifty dollars, to be paid in labor or money, as said
company may order, the capital stock of said company shall not
exceed sixty-five thousand dollars.
Gates/Tolls Section
Be it enacted. That the said company may commence the
construction of said road when the sum of five thousand dollars
is subscribed, and they shall have power and authority to open a
gate, so soon as five miles thereof is or may be completed from
Stewart's ferry, and for every additional five miles, said
company may complete of said road, they may open a gate and
charge the same rate of toll as is now charged on the Nashville
and Lebanon turnpike road. Said road shall be sixteen feet wide,
varying from two to three degrees, and finished after the same
manner that the Nashville and Lebanon road is.
Officers. Section
Be it enacted. That the persons whose names are mentioned in the
first section of this act, or any five of them, shall, after the
sum of five thousand dollars shall have been subscribed, and
before they shall have commenced the construction of said road,
elect from their own body a President, Secretary and Treasurer
for said company, who shall hold their office for one year, and
shall receive such pay as said company may allow.
Powers. Section
Be it enacted. That when said company is organized, as provided
in the fourth section of this act, they shall have power to pass
all rules and by-laws necessary for their regulation, so that the
same are not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this
Be it enacted. That said company shall have five years in which
to complete said road, from and after the passage of this act.
Be it enacted. That said company may sue, and be sued, plead and
be impleaded, by their corporate name, and service of process on
the President of said company shall be sufficient to compel the
appearance of said company in any suit or action.
Be it enacted. That said company may make and use a seal, and may
pass by-laws, regulating the manner of transferring the stock in
said company, as well as for the regulating of said company in
all other respects.
May extend road To Moses Fite's Section
That said company may, if it choose, extend said road from
Statesville to Moses Fites, in DeKalb county.
Landon C. Haynes
Speaker of the House of Representatives
John F. Henry
Speaker of the Senate
Passed December, 7, 1849.
Copyright 1999. Harvey L. Bottoms
All Rights Reserved