HAGAR from a Union Prison Camp

HAGAR letters from Union Prison Camp
submitted by Charles R. Everett

Transcription of
 HAGAR letters from a Union Prison Camp (1862)
by Charles R. Everett

=== BEGIN ===

Camp Butler Ill.
Sagamon County
June the 10th 1862

Dear Cousin,
I am seated for the purpose of addressing you a few lines this beautiful morning to let you (know) that I am well. I have nothing of importance that is new or strange to write. The health of our company is better now than it has been since we have been here. Our officers have been very kind to us for some time ever since the weather has been warm enough. We have been permitted to go to the river to bathe and wash clean. I think this is improving the health of the boys. We get pleanty to eat and very little to do so we are fattening. _______ some of the boys is so fat they _______ as they walk. I want to know if the esqu. has got my little mule and horse yet or not. If so, write to me in your next (letter). I want you to write to me as soon as you get this and give me all the news that is going on. I sent a letter to sister Elizabeth a month ago but have not received any answer from her. Tell her I would be glad to hear from her and fathers family. Tell Uncle G.W. Hagar's family I would be glad to hear from them. Tell Martha Jane she must write to me. Please tell A. S. Hagar that I would like to have a little money say one or two dollars if he pleases as paper is scarse. It would accomadate me very much in writting to my friends, write me soon.
A. J. Hagar


(This is the front of the page. What follows is the back.... A. J. Hagar was killed at the battle of Chickamauga on the 19th of Sept 1863.)

I would be glad to hear from Henry and Riley. I will send this ring to sister Elizabeth.
A.J. Hagar

A few lines to Franky Hagar to __ hand this to her son.
My dear, I am well at this time and in hoping when these few line comes to hands they may find you and my baby enjoying the same blessing. My dear I have nothing interesting to write to you I would be glad to see you and talk with you and is my child ___ hear her talk some for me and see her lovely eyes that she ust to cut when I usta come home. I have waited till today to write June the 10 I write every week and I haven't gotten any answer from the too last too start I have written. I want you to write every week if you can and I will do the same which I have been doing all the time I have got four letters from you since Here I have been. I want you to write about my wheat and hogs and beds. Whether that s______ or not before you rolled them and whether you saved them or not. Tell Uncle Jimmy that I would be glad to see him and talk with him. I can't tell when I can get off the _____ is in camp now that we will get off in a short time so I must bring my short letter to a close by saying you must write me soon for I do long to hear from you. 
J.D. Hagar to Frankey Hagar 

=== END ===

Copyright © 2000 by Charles R. Everett
All rights reserved