History of Middle Tennessee Baptists

History of Middle Tennessee Baptists

by J. H. Grime, 1902

Chapter Four

This body of Baptists is an offspring of Salem Association. In the minutes of Salem Association for 1888, when convened with the Marion Church, Cannon County, near Reayville, we find the following record:

"WHEREAS, In the providence of our Heavenly Father, Salem Association has grown to be a very large body, embracing a large territory, making it burdensome for some of the messengers to attend the meetings of the body:

"We, Round Lick, Shop Spring Buena Vista, Macedonia, Hogan's Creek and New Salem churches, all situated in the northern boundary of the Association, entertaining the most fraternal feeling for the Association, believing it to be for the glory of God and the advancement of the Redeemer's kingdom to form a new Association, now ask letters from Salem Association, believing it to be for the glory of God, and while we entertain the most friendly feelings will work in harmony with our mother Association, using all endeavor to perpetuate our fraternal love and fellowship.

"Also we ask that the churches immediately surrounding this new organization be assured that if they desire to go into the new organization it will not be regarded a breach of good order, or a violation of the principles of courtesy for them to do so.

In consummation of the purposes herein described a council was called to meet at Buena Vista Church, Grant, Smith County, Tennessee, on October 30, 1888, to form a new Association. In this council the following churches were represented:

Alexandria, Athens, Barton's Creek, Bethel, Buena Vista, Brush Creek, Carthage, Hickman's Creek, Hogan's Creek, Knob Spring, Liberty, Linwood, Macedonia, New Salem, Plunkett's Creek, Riddleton, Rome, Round Lick and Shop Spring. Messengers from the above nineteen churches organized by the election of J. W. Bryan, Moderator, L. D. Smith, Clerk, and W. S. Neal, Treasurer.

They then proceeded to prepare a basis for future meetings by appointing committees to draw up a Constitution, Rules of Decorum, etc., to be presented at a future meeting. The churches represented here contained a membership of less than 2,000. They had among their members the following ministers: T. J. Eastes, J. B. Moody, J. H. Grime, L. D. Smith, John Harper, Henry Bass, Z. A. Lyon, M. W. Russell, J. D. Howell, L. L. Allen, J. F. McNabb, Wm. Wooten, S. B. Whitlock, T. B. Chapman, A. E. John son, A. J. Waller, N. R. Sanborn, and J. W. Bowen. This was a fine body of men and would compare favorably with the ministry of most any Association. Besides this, they could boast of as noble brethren among the laymen as could be found anywhere. This Association in doctrine is of the same type as the old original Association. II1 the mail1 her ministers are strong Calvinists, and are strictly Landmark Baptists.

In mission work, she has even excelled the mother Association, so far as contributions are concerned. Her work has been steady and progressive, with nothing especial out of the usual line. The following ministers who helped to set her asail, and with a holy pride watched her infant steps, have gone to their reward: J. W. Bowen, T. B. Chapman, S. B Whitlock, Z. A. Lyon, Henry Bass. These have crossed the mystic river and joined the great Association above. May we indulge the thought that they are watching the struggles of their fellow-laborers here below, and with a heavenly joy they mark every step of advancement?

In the twelve years of her existence, she has increased from nineteen to twenty-seven churches, and they have a membership of some 2,700. We append here a tabulated statement of her meetings:

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