TNSMITH Subscribe
The Smith County Tennessee Mailing List


The TNSMITH-L List is for discussions about Genealogy, History,
Queries, Stories, Folk Lore, Links & Genealogies are always welcome.

This mailing list is the offical mailing list of the Smith
County website and The Smith County Historical Society website.
This mailing list will be used to announce updates to either site including
special projects, that anyone with Smith Co. roots will want to know about.


Just a few simple rules apply here:

1. No profane Language allowed.

2. No flaming of any list member will be tolerated.
(Flaming means making comments on the list about
one another in a negative light.)

3. Be Nice and think about every post before you
hit the send button!

4. No discussion (on the list) of How the list is run.
Your comments are welcome via private email anytime!

5. General Chit Chat should be taken to private email
responses like yes, no, i agree, or messages directed
to any individual that would not benefit the List.

6. Virus warnings, Jokes, and forwarded commercial posts are
off subject on a genealogy specific list.



You may subscribe in two modes:

The List Mode sends each message individually. The Digest Mode sends
messages in groups. I personally use the List Mode! Click on your choice below
and in the body of your message place the word subscribe. You will recieve a
welcome message to confirm your subscription

Smith Co Mailing List - List Mode

Smith Co Mailing List - Digest Mode

To unsubscribe to a group do all the above except
put the word unsubcribe in the body of the message!

Need Help Email Me!

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