Rootwalker--Newsflash Detail--Montgomery Co., TN--06-22-1897

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Tidbits from Daily Leaf Chronicle,
Clarksville, TN  Tues. June 22, 1897

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Desirable Home and Fine Building Lots.

     On next Friday, June 25, at public sale, on the premises at 10 a.m. the Weill residence and thirty-six acres of land, and twenty-one lots, comprising about two acres each, will be sold to the highest bidder.  Here is the best chance for homes ever offered in Clarksville.  This property is on the line of the Clarksville Street Railway, now an assured institution.  So all who are looking for homes in the best neighborhood of Clarksville have the opportunity of securing them.
     Remember the time, next Friday at 10 a.m. Terms to suit purchasers.



Stewart Station Loses All of Its Business Houses Last Night.

The Victims Were Very Poorly Provided With Insurance Loss at Least $6,000.

Origin of the Fire Thought to Have Been Probably the Work of an Incendiary.

(By Telephone to the Leaf-Chronicle)

     ERIN, June 22.--Between 9 and 10 o'clock last night the entire business portion of Stewart Station, fifteen miles below here, was completely wiped out by fire.  The origin of the fire is not definitely known, but incendiarism is suspected.
     The merchants who suffered were W. A. Tomlinson, Nichols & Buchanan and D. Nichols, these constituting the firms doing business at this point.
     Tomlinson had no insurance, but succeeded in saving between $1,500 and $2,000 worth of his goods, the house being a total loss.  He will lose about $2,000.
     Nichols & Buchanan also had no insurance, and it is thought fared about the same way in which Tomlinson did, saving between $1,500 and $2,000 worth of their stock.  Their loss is estimated at $2,000.
     D. Nichols was insured for $2,000.  He saved only about $50 worth of his stock.  His loss will be about $2,000.  The fire originated between the ceiling and roof of his store, but by what means no one knows.  There is no clue.   While it is thought by some to have been of incendiary origin, it can not be definitely shown that it was.
     With the exception of a few stables and other out buildings, the flames annihilated all there was of the little village.  The victims will no doubt go to work at once to rebuild.


     Consumption can often be prevented by giving early attention to a cold, whether slight or severe.  A cold quickly disappears when Dr. Bell's Pine Tar Honey is taken.



Drowned Out of a Grave While Buried Alive.

The Uncanny Experience of Wm. Lloyd and Miss Arnie Ray.

     William Lloyd and Miss Arnie Ray, both of Cincinnati, are giving exhibitions to expose the so-called hypnotism, by means of which a person may be buried alive and resurrected.  They are buried while perfectly conscious and remain under ground for several days without food, water or ability to move and with only a tube reaching to the outer air to provide fresh air.  The temperature under ground is quite warm and here they breathe, are conscious, hear various noises, can see the sky through the tube and at times go to sleep.  Lloyd has remained buried as long as sixty hours, while Miss Ray has tried it only as long as twenty-four hours.  Recently Lloyd was drowned out and after an hour's digging to resurrect him he appeared, soaked with water and bedaubed with mud.  Although hungry when released, they say that they do not suffer either hunger or thirst while confined, and experience only a sense of loneliness in their enforced, tomb-like solitude.



No Longer Any Apprehensions of a Drought.

This section was blessed with another fine rain, which commenced at an early hour this morning.  It will prove very beneficial to the large planting of last Saturday and will assure permanent stands of the plants put out at that time.  Matters are assuming a decidedly more encouraging aspect to the farmers, who previous to Friday's soaking rain, had begun to feel discouraged at the chances for pitching a tobacco crop.   Corn will respond right along to the late rains.  Wheat has turned out remarkably well, the present being one of the best crops this section has ever known.   Upon the whole, we have a great deal for which to be thankful.


     Geo. D. Crouch sells the Silent Singer and New England Sewing Machines.


     Drive the business worries of the day away with a glass of Pabst beer.


     Thousand of persons use Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve who never did have sore eyes. It strengthens weak eyes--makes the vision clear and distinct. It is nice and convenient to use. You need it. Try it.


      FOR SALE.--Desirable building lot in residence portion of the city. Apply at this office.


     The eagle, the king of all birds, is noted for its keen sight; clear and distinct vision. So are those persons who use Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve for weak eyes, sty's, sore eyes of any kind or granulated lids. Sold by all dealers.



Present Conditions of Tennessee's Million Dollar Capitol.

The Whole Outfit Resembles, In the Surroundings and Appearances, a Rusty, Frowzy Old Barracks.

     Here is what Editor J. E. Macgowan thinks of what was once the pride of all Tennesseans, the State house at Nashville.  It is a shame that such things can be truthfully written about our capitol.
     The condition of the grounds is bad enough.  The air and odor of neglect, decay and ruin about our beautiful state building disgrace the state.   The whole outfit resembles, in the surroundings and appearance, a rusty, frowzy old barracks.  The beautiful bronzes round the bases of the lamp posts have been repaired by a blacksmith and "decorated" by a whitewasher.  The lamps are mere wrecks.  The beautiful posts have been marred and disfigured, to make them serve as supports for electric wires.
     Going up on the paved walk, that surrounds the house, one finds it in worse condition than the worse sidewalk of the town, dug into ruts, worn down to the concrete in places, a repulsive looking thing altogether, and unsafe to walk on in the dark.
     Enter the house and you find the walls and floors filthy.   The porters have washed the walls as high up as they could reach, leaving the vast space above to the ceiling l_____ed, literally plastered, with filth and decorated with cobwebs.  The slabs of stone, in the walls, in the paving, in the columns, are becoming mere bundles of shingle, and no effort is made to arrest the decay.
     The library is a sorrowful looking den of a place, dirty and repulsive, like all the rest.
     It is shameful.  We fool away money on all sorts of offices, and cannot find any to restore and decently keep our beautiful state-house, that cost a million of dollars, and ought to be as good and pretty as it was in 1850, when it was dedicated.
     If the taxpayers were to visit these grounds and this house and look them over, I hope they would send men to the legislature who would manifest some state pride, and not men who permit the public property to fall into dilapidation, and become a reproach.  The state-house looks like the quarters of a hopelessly bankrupt people; and in that it is made to slander Tennessee.

Transcribed by Stan Magnesen.  Verified and Prepared for the Web by Vanessa Slea

� 2001 Vanessa Slea