Rootwalker--Obituary for John Coleman 06-24-1873

Genealogy Pages for Northern Middle TN
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Obituary for John COLEMAN

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Following is a transcription of the above person's obituary from the Nashville Union and American, Tuesday, June 24, 1873:

     The Dover Record of the 20th Instant says: A man by the name of John COLEMAN was drowned Tuesday night at the mouth of Barrett's creek.  It seems that he, in company with a negro, had been to Tobaccoport in a canoe, and while there got pretty drunk.  Upon reaching the mouth of Barrett's Creek, at which place they landed, the negro started for Iron Mountain, in which neighborhood they were both employed, but Coleman being too drunk was left on the bank.  Next morning some boys found his hat and some things on the bank, and gave the alarm; the mouth of the creek was dragged and the body recovered.  The supposition is that he rolled into the water during the night, and being stupid was unable to help himself, was drowned.


This page was created on 12/18/2002
and last updated on 12/18/2002.

� 2002 Vanessa Slea