![]() |
J. Mosman, Fran Aitken, and Dave Stick, OPCs
St. Austell, St. Ewe, Tywardreath
A national protest aimed at Charles I was organised by Parliament; on 3rd May 1641, it was decreed that members of the House of Commons should make a protestation against "all Popery and Popish Innovations". In January 1641/42, it was recommended that Sheriffs, Mayors and others should also sign, then that all male residents of the country over the age of 18 should declare their "protestation" as well.
Therefore, in March every citizen, in the presence of two Parish notables (selected from the Ministers, Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor), gathered together to sign a declaration of belief in the Protestant Religion, Allegiance to the King and support for the Rights and Privileges of Parliament. Any person who refused to do so was decreed not be fit to hold office in the Church or Commonwealth. A record of names was kept of those refusing to make their protestation.
The document read as follows:
I, _______ do, in the presence of Almighty God, promise, vow, and protest to
maintain and defend, as far as lawfully I may, with my Life, Power and
Estate, the true Reformed Protestant Religion, expressed in the Doctrine of
the Church of England against all Popery and Popish Innovations, within this
Realm, contrary to the same Doctrine, and accord to the duty of my
Allegiance, His Majesty's Royal Person, Honour and Estate, as also to the
Power and Privileges of Parliament, the lawful Rights and Liberties of the
subjects, and every person making this Protestation, in whatsoever he shall
do in the Pursuance of the same, and to my power, and as far as lawfully I
may, I will oppose by all good Ways and Means endeavour to bring to condign
Punishment all such as shall, either by Force, or Practice, Counsels, Plots,
Conspiracies, or otherwise, do any Thing to the contrary of any Thing in
this present Protestation contained: and further, that I shall, in all just
and honourable ways, endeavour to preserve the Union and Peace betwixt the
Three Kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland: and neither for Hope, Fear,
nor other Respect, shall relinquish this Promise, Vow and Protestation.
The Protestation Returns are described in an article by L.W. Lawson Edwards in Gen. Mag. Vol. 19 No. 3 (Sep 1977) as the nearest we have, for England, to a male adult census prior to 1841. The places for which Returns survive are listed in Protestation Returns 1641-1642 and Other Contemporary Listings by Jeremy Gibson and Allan Dell, FFHS.
St. Austell Parish officials sent a message to Parliament that all persons required to sign the Petition had done so. To wit:
4th day of March, 1641
To the right honourable the house of Commons now assembled in Parliament. These are to certify that the Protestation decreed by the lawful authoritye of the aforesaid howse of Commons was by the parishioners and inhabitants with a general and free consent on the 8th day of June last taken and acknowledged before us the Minister Churchwardens and Constables of the said parish. And there is not any person within the said parish (required to express that duty) that hath refused the said protestation which is witnessed by the subscription of their several names and markes under their own hands to a schedule annexed to a printed copye of the said protestation which remaineth with us to be shewn whenever it shall be required; and Soe take our leaves Resting.
Josephus Maye Vicar
John Honny + (his mark)
John Oppy Churchwardens
Walter Hodge
George Rescorla
Tristram Carlyan
Richard Paskowe Constables
No record exists of the signing, nor is such a document recorded, for St. Austell.
ST. EWE PARISH transcribed by Fran Aitkens, OPC
The following is an alphabetized list of men over age 18 who signed the Protestation Returns in about Mar 1641/42 (a total of 196 men).
Note: SURNAME, followed by first name. Grouping them by family name does not necessarily imply a relationship. And order of first names does not signify age order (except where noted "senior" and "junior").
AGOS, Augustine; AGOS, Michaell |
ANDRA, Walter |
AVENT, Andrew |
BATE, Thomas |
BATTEN, Richard |
BENNETT, John; BENNETT, Nathanyell; BENNETT, Richard; BENNETT, Thomas |
BLAKE, Andrew; BLAKE, Petherick |
BROADE (Parish Constable), John; BROADE, William |
BURLACE, Stephen; BURLACE, Uryn |
BURT, Barthollomew |
CAME , Richard |
CARKEETE, William |
CHAMPION, Richard |
CLOAKE, Thomas |
COCKE, Lewes; COCKE, Michaell; COTK (COCK), Tristrom |
CRESTE, Stephen |
CROCKER, Laurence |
CRUST (or CRUFT), William |
CUNDY, Oliver |
DINGLE, Alexander |
DOCTONE, Richard |
DONE (or DOVE), Gyles |
DWEANE, Thomas |
DYER, John |
DYNGLE, Effenacion |
EDMONDS, Ralf; |
EDWARDS, John; EDWARDS, Richard |
FORDE, Richard |
FOWLER (refused), William |
FYNE, Lewes |
GARLAND, Georg |
GATCH, Georg |
GENNENS, William |
HALL, Thomas |
HAMBE (or HAMLIE), Robt; HAMBLY, John; HAMBLYE, Richard |
HANCOCK, Richard |
HARRIES, Urien |
HARRIS, Edward; HARRIS, Thomas; HARRIS, Willm; HARRIS , Richard jun |
HAWKINS, Georg |
HEARELL, Nicholas |
HENDRA, Robert |
HENNOD, Thomas |
HICKES, John |
HOCKINS, William |
HODGE, John |
HOYTEN, Robert; HOYTEN, Samson |
HUNT, William |
HUSBAND, Robart |
JACOB, Willm |
JAMES, Bartholomew; JAMES, Mathew; JAMES, Richard; JAMS [sic], William |
JENNINGS, Thomas |
JOHN, Paule; JOHN, William |
JORDON, Michaell; JORDAN, Michaell jun; JORDAN, Thomas sen; JORDON, Thomas |
KELLY, Thomas |
KNEEBONE, Richard |
KNYGHT, Robert |
LANGMAN, Hughe; LANGMAN, Sylvester |
LANVER, Stephen |
LARKE, Edward; LARKE, Richard; LARKE, Thomas |
LAWRENCE, Walter |
LUKE, Edward |
LUNEY, Roger |
MANDER, Thomas; MANDER, William |
MARKE, Robert |
MATHEW, Jeram; MATHEW, Peter |
MAYE, Oliver; MAYE (Curate), Ralph |
MERRATT, Jeram |
MERRIN, John |
MEWDEN, Anthony |
MUDEN , Hugh sen; MUDEN, Hughe |
MUDEN, Richard |
MUDEN, William; MUDEN , William jun; MUDEN , William jun |
NANCAROW, Edward |
NICHOLLS, Stephen |
PARR, Hugh |
PARROW, John; PARROW, Oliver; PARROW, Renold; PARROW, Waren |
PASKOW, Larence |
PENSTRASA, Richard |
PETERS, Nicholas |
PITT, John |
PLYNTE (overseer), Henrye |
POLGREENE, William |
POMEROY, Gregory |
RANDELL, Anthony; RANDELL, Sampson |
RANDELL alias OUNTER , John sen; RANDELL alias OUNTER , John jun |
RANDLE, Stephen; RANDLE, William |
RAYLE, John; RAYLE, Richard; REALE, Michaell |
RICKARD, Tristram |
ROBERTS, Fardynando |
ROBYNS, John; ROBINES , John jun; ROBINS, Stephen; ROBINS, Stephen |
RUNDLE, John; RUNDLE, Thomas; RUNDLE, Thomas; RUNDLE, William |
RUNDLE alias JAGOW, Thomas |
SANDERS, John; SANDERS, Richard; SANDERS, Richard |
SANDYE, Humphrye |
SMYTHE, Stephen; SMYTHE, William |
SPARNELL, Richard |
SYLLICKE, William |
TREMAYNE (gent, refused), Oliver; TREMAYNE (refused), John (son of Oliver) |
TREMEARE, William |
TREWYN, John; TREWYN, John jun |
TRIPCONY (ch-wardn), Theophilus |
VARCOE, John; VERCOE, Thomas |
VYGARS, Thomas |
VYRCO, Edward |
WADGE, John; WADGE, Uryn |
WALLIS, John |
WALTERS, Edward |
WEAREN, Henery |
WHITE, Richarde; WHITE, Thomas |
WILLES, Urien |
WILLIAMS, Edward; WILLIAMS, Henry; WILLIAMS, John; WILLIAMS, Robert; WILLIAMS, Thomas; WILLIAMS, Thomas jun |
WISE, Edward; WISE, Hughe |
WOOD, Edward |
WROATH, William |
WYSE ?, Tho. |
YOUNGE, John |
Surname | Forename | Mark | Document Notes | Transciber Notes |
.... | John | . | . | . |
..rout | Jno. | . | . | . |
Abram | Ralfe | M | . | . |
Abram | Thomas | M | . | . |
Abram | Wm | M | . | . |
Archard | William | M | . | . |
Badcocke | James | . | . | from justice list |
Badcocke | Thomas | M | . | . |
Baker | Degory | . | . | . |
Baker | John | . | . | . |
Baker | Ric | M | . | . |
Baker | Richard | . | . | . |
Baker | William | M | . | . |
Baker jun | Will | M | . | . |
Baker sen | Jno. | M | . | . |
Baker sen | William | M | . | . |
Band | Jno. | M | . | . |
Bawden | Ric | M | . | . |
Bawden | Thomas | M | . | . |
Bedlake | Ric. | M | . | . |
Beere | Walter | . | . | . |
Beere | Wm | M | . | . |
Beere jun | John | M | . | . |
Beere sen | John | . | . | . |
Behenna | Wm | M | . | . |
Bennett | John | M | . | . |
Bersey sen | Jno. | M | . | . |
Bersey sen | Jno. | M | . | . |
Berzey | William | M | . | . |
Bishop | Henry | M | . | . |
Blake | Charles | . | . | . |
Blake | Ric. | M | . | . |
Boone | John | M | . | . |
Bowden | Davye | . | . | . |
Bowden | John | M | . | . |
Bowden | Tho | M | . | . |
Brenn | Jno. | M | . | . |
Broad | John | . | . | . |
Broad | William | M | . | . |
Broade | Richard | . | . | . |
Broade | Walter | M | . | . |
Brod | John | . | . | . |
Brokenshawe | Frances | . | . | . |
Busvyne | John | M | . | . |
Calomb | William | M | . | . |
Ciocke | Ric | M | . | . |
Clemens | Jo | . | . | John |
Clemens | Vin | M | . | . |
Clemens | Walter | M | . | . |
Clemens | William | M | Churchwarden | from justice list |
Clerke | Walter | M | . | . |
Coale | Nicholas | M | . | . |
Coale | Nicolas | M | . | . |
Coale | Peter | M | . | . |
Coale | William | M | . | . |
Cocke | John | M | . | . |
Cocke | Thomas | M | . | . |
Colliver | Bennet | M | . | . |
Colliver | Charles | M | . | . |
Colliver | John | . | . | . |
Colliver | Peter | M | . | . |
Colliver | Ric | M | . | . |
Collover | Passcoe | . | . | . |
Collyver | John | . | . | . |
Corne | Peter | M | . | . |
Cornw | Jno. | M | . | . |
Cortes | Ambros | . | . | . |
Couch | Antony | M | . | . |
Couch | Jno. | M | . | . |
Couch | Jno. | M | . | . |
Couch | John | M | . | . |
Couch | William | . | . | . |
Couch jun | John | M | . | . |
Couch sen | Jno. | M | . | . |
Coule | Jno. | M | . | . |
Coule | Ric. | M | . | . |
Cullombe | Ambrose | M | . | . |
Cullum | William | . | . | . |
Cullumb | Jno. | M | . | . |
Cullumb | William | M | . | . |
Cullumbe | Pascow | M | . | . |
Cullumbe | Wm | M | . | . |
Cullumbe jun | Wm | M | . | . |
Curtes | George | M | . | . |
Curtes | Jno. | M | . | . |
Curtes | Lazarus | . | . | . |
Curtes | Tho. | M | . | . |
Curts | Nicolas | M | . | . |
Davie | Nicholas | M | . | . |
Davie | Richard | M | . | . |
Davie | Wm | M | . | . |
Davies | Laurence | . | . | . |
Dire | Jno. | M | . | . |
Dyer | William | M | . | . |
Edwards | Walter | M | . | . |
Fenton | Robert | M | . | . |
Gattey | Humfrye | M | . | . |
Gattey | John | M | . | . |
Gattie | Thomas | M | . | . |
Gattye | David | M | . | . |
Hambly | John | M | . | . |
Harris | Walter | M | . | . |
Harrye | John | . | . | . |
Hearle | Jno. | M | . | . |
Hearle | John | M | . | . |
Hearle | Peter | M | . | . |
Hearle | Walter | . | . | . |
Helman | Ambrose | M | . | . |
Helman | Ambrose | M | . | . |
Helman | Jno. | M | . | . |
Helman | Michell | M | . | . |
Helman | Stephen | . | . | . |
Helman | Stephen | M | . | . |
Hickes | Gilbert | M | . | . |
Hickes | Jno. | M | . | . |
Hickes | John | M | . | . |
Hickes | Walter | M | . | . |
Hickst | John | . | . | . |
Hickst | Regnoll | . | . | . |
Hickst | Thomas | . | . | . |
Hobb | Jno. | M | . | . |
Hobbe | Walter | M | . | . |
Hoblin | Thomas | M | . | . |
James | Richard | M | . | . |
Jeffrey | William | M | . | . |
Kempthorne | Humfry | M | . | . |
Kendall | Walter | . | . | . |
Kitow | William | . | . | . |
Kittow | John | . | . | . |
Kittow | Paule | M | . | . |
Kittow | Robert | M | . | . |
Kittow jun | Wm | M | . | . |
Kytto | Paul | M | . | . |
Kyttow | Peter | . | . | . |
Lendon | Ric | M | . | . |
Libbye | Andrew | M | . | . |
Libbye | Joseph | M | . | . |
Libbye | Leonard | M | . | . |
Libbye | Ric. | M | . | . |
Ludlam | Jo. | M | . | . |
Ludlam | Walter | . | . | . |
Ludlam | William | . | . | . |
Luney | Thomas | . | . | . |
Mabley | Ric | M | . | . |
Martin | Ric. | M | . | . |
Martyn | Phillip | M | . | . |
Martyn | William | M | . | . |
Martyne | Edward | M | . | . |
May | Jno. | M | . | . |
Maye | Tristram | M | . | . |
Mohan | Wm | M | . | . |
Mortemer | Jno. | M | . | . |
Mynard | John | M | . | . |
Mynard | Walter | M | . | . |
Mynard | William | M | . | . |
Mynerd | Thomas | M | . | . |
Nickell | Thomas | . | . | . |
Nowell | John | M | . | . |
Nycolls | Isaac | ? | Overseers | from justice list |
Olver | Jno. | M | . | . |
Oppye | Phillip | M | . | . |
Paule | Edward | . | . | . |
Penhale | John | M | . | . |
Penquite | John | M | . | . |
Perry | William | . | . | . |
Philpe | Ric. | M | . | . |
Pomrye | John | M | . | . |
Pomrye | Thomas | M | . | . |
Pomrye | William | M | . | . |
Pookey | Walter | M | . | . |
Prior | Walter | M | . | . |
Prout | Robert | M | . | . |
Ranke | Walter | . | or Rauke | . |
Robins | John | M | . | . |
Robins | William | M | . | . |
Seare | John | M | . | . |
Seare | Walter | M | . | . |
Simon | Ric | . | Luxillian | . |
Skore | Peter | . | . | . |
Smith | William | M | . | . |
Smith jun | Wm | M | . | . |
Stephens | Robert | M | . | . |
Stephens | Sampson | M | . | . |
Stookey | Jno. | M | . | . |
Tallacke | Frances | . | . | . |
Tallacke | Jo. | M | . | . |
Tallacke | Ric | M | . | . |
Tallacke | Ric. | M | . | . |
Tom | John | . | . | . |
Tom | William | M | . | . |
Treshise | John | M | . | . |
Trubodye | Walter | . | Constable | from justice list |
Udie | William | M | . | . |
Vanson | Christopher | . | . | . |
Vanson | John | . | . | . |
Vanson | Walter | . | . | . |
Vanson | Wm | M | . | . |
Vice | Wm | M | . | . |
Vounder | Jno. | M | . | . |
Webb | Ric | M | . | . |
Webbe | Nicolas | M | . | . |
Werdon | Ric. | M | . | . |
Willes | Thomas | . | . | . |
Williams | Hugh | M | . | . |
Wilton | Jno. | M | . | . |
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