Tregorrick Manor,rentals-tenants




TREGORRECK MANOR (Tregorrick in St. Austell)
(transcribed by J. Mosman, OPC)

The manor of Tregorreck lieth within the parish of St. Austell within a mile of Tregennoe towards the north east and within a mile of the south sea.

Tenants by copy of the Manor Court - 1602

Tregorreck - 1 Edward VI. John AVREAN holdeth by copy for term of his life, the remainder to his wife and daughter, the half of certain lands and tenements which contain 55 acres. Rent 40/- besides 4d r4ent resolute. Fine 12.10.0.

John TIRRELL occupieth the half of two parcels of land under the town of St. Austell containing 1/2 acre. Rent 3/9d. (Margin) Joan HANNOFORDE offereth for a fine 13/4d.

William DADDO occupieth a tenement late of John VIVEAN deceased whereof my lord's part is the moiety and contains in land 2 acres. Rent 10/- (Margin) The said Daddo offereth for a fine 40/-.

Tresalster 31 Henry VIII. Richard CARTER and Joan his wife hold for term of their lives by copy a tenement to which belongeth the half of 15 acres. Rent 7/9d. besides 5/- rent resolute. Fine 20/-.

Tre... the moiety of certain land called Mynney Leas in the tenure of .... containing (blank) Rent 23 1/2 d. besides 6 1/2 d. resolute. My lord hath the tenth part of a wasterly moor not yet divided and it contains in the whole 7 1/2 acres.

Memorandum that Martin POWELL alias POYLE died holding of my lord as of this manor by knight service whose heirs be 3 daughters under age. Memorandum that all these lands as well let by indenture as by copy according to the custom of the manor is heriotable.

Also that the tenants in every manor being severally charged amongst other things upon the time of prescription in customs and demises made by copy do present that they were let by copy above fifty years or at least the most of them within memory.


The note of the rents of such tenements as are void in Cornwall with the fines offered for the same.

Roseworry Rawes tenement . 26/10 na 40
. Thomas PHILLIPS . 23/- na 10
. John JEFFREY . 56/- 26/- na
. John DREWE . 18/6 20/- 6.13.8
. Mr. GOODOLPHIN . 46/8 20/- 30
Bosowen John RAWLYNS . 22/2 na 30
. John COSWORTH . 13/6 13/4 na*
. Margery CARTHEWE . 13.6 16/- 33.6.8
. Philip JOHN . 7/1d na 2.0.0
. Richard OLDE . 21/3 na 7.6.8
Tresythney John Coffers .tenement. 53/4 40/- 50
Demylyocke Nan CARROWE . 15/- na 35
Tregorreck William DADDO . 10/- na 2.0.0
. John TIRRELL . 9-Mar na 13.1
Tregennoe John RANDALL . 28/- na 20
. TYRRELL . 6-Feb na nil
. William KERWOLFE . 3/- na nil
Totals . . 18.14.1 6.15.4* 267

*it is to be thought that for the rest no fines were paid.



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